Friday, 3 April 2020

Well, it's another day


I'm doing OK, started to do a little housework but after hoovering half the stairs I'm exhausted!  Still coughing a bit and have no taste or smell and a blinding evening headache, other than that I seem to be fine.

Officially I'm allowed out now, I took an emergency trip to Tesco in the early hours of the morning to get a prescription for Dad.  This was my first venture out of the house in three weeks except for a small walk with the dogs the other day.

It was like stepping out into another dimension, the main Rickmansworth Road silent, the odd car drove past me, driver and passengers wearing masks.  The air was so still and the birds sounded so loud, the air was cold - like a different planet.  Nothing sounded familiar.

I walked slowly to Tesco to find a queue outside, people standing 2 metres apart from each other as directed, heads down, no eye contact, like each and every person had leprosy.  There was no conversation, no warmth, no hassle or bussle.  There was a security guard on the door, he was massive, he was monitoring how many people were in and out of the store.  As I was just collecting a prescription and unable to stand for too long, I was allowed straight in.  Standing at the pharmacy behind the yellow stripped line, the pharmacist talked at me from afar behind her plastic screen.  Not allowed to handle cash I had to pay 50p with my card for a sample pot!

I gave my beautiful Dahlia a huge list for Tesco for me, we chatted on the phone whilst she was pulling into the superstore in Watford where she is working, she said is was crowded, she was horrified at how many people were there, she has seen groups of teenagers together, cyclists stopping to chat, people just not taking this seriously enough, when it is all so close to home or indeed, in your home, it is real, very very real.


Dad has a UTI and yesterday fell out of bed and has damaged a couple of his ribs, most likely cracked, now on antibiotics and more discomfort he is sleeping a lot, exhausted.  He has lost a stone, now weighing 8st 7lb but he is starting to eat which is encouraging.  We did some paperwork today and managed to get a few things sorted.  I can't let him drive his car anymore, this is going to be a struggle, not only is his eyesight not good enough his hearing is also impaired.

Small cup of coffee and some malt loaf delivered with a tiny bit of butter.

My wonderful Doctor Liz called us, she is incredible, she calls regularly and supports us all, you would think we were the only people on her books.  I honestly don't know what we would do without her.  I have registered Dad and she has been with us 100% through all of this - I can't thank her enough.


With I believe the help of the homeopathic medicine that has been sent to us (many many thanks), Savannah is doing a lot better today, she is up and about and although tired she is coping really well, it is so lovely to see her spark coming back.  She has been an absolute angel looking after the family, she is my strength and no words can express my love for her.  I'm just pleased that I have been well enough to help her when she needed me.  Not long now and our household will get stronger and stronger.

I received a beautiful message from my friend yesterday, I want to share it with you as she has put a link to a beautiful song that she is singing, she has the voice of an angel and the heart of one too.  Thank you Viv for your kindness and your love.

Hello Beth

Here is a song I hope you’ll like. It’s in Scots Gaelic, all about the birds that sing at dawn. It’s a worksong, that women sang to accompany their pounding of tweed (which they’d previously woven on looms in their cottages). All this happened in the western isles of Scotland. I learnt how to pronounce this from my friend Talitha, who’s singing in the choruses.

I’ve been thinking about you such a lot. I read your blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. Strange inability to act, but my heart is full of love & gratitude for you. I love & admire you so much - so many reasons: you’re an activist, you do first; you create beauty with everything you do; you have a huge heart, which will reach out to others, often at the expense of yourself; you are braver than anyone I know - even in being open about your frailty - this is brave; what you do makes a massive difference to so many people, and many people’s lives are so much better because of you. You are a joy, a beautiful gem, a great soul.

So much love to you Beth 💓
Vivien xxx