Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 103 - 18 DAYS TO GO!!!

So, it has been a while and reasons are below!

Trip this morning to the Physio – I did think that I might walk there but changed my mind as thought the return journey may not be so much fun.

She put me in all sorts of uncompromising positions – apparently it is my Sacroiliac Joint that has been giving me trouble since I had Cassidy – the midwife literally lent on my leg in order to give Cassidy room to come out!  Great for her, not so good for me… (The baby that is and not the Midwife!).  Anyhow, funnily enough, she has recommended walking up copious amounts of steps for exercise!! I had to laugh!  Now... with my Sacroiliac Joint, high blood pressure and migraines, it has crossed my mind that this trip to China is more of a challenge than originally thought.... at the time, it seemed like a good idea, an amazing experience, a once in a lifetime trip!  Now I am apprehensive to say the least and nervous about leaving the children (although they are all sorted with friends and relatives).

I may have a leg wax before I go!
Next trip was to Watford to check on my walking boots that I purchased back in April…. I think that by now I have properly worn them in but they were still not very comfortable and after a two hour walk I was experiencing a little pins and needles in my toes… I figured I needed to find out why before walking miles, up hill and on rocky terrain and in the heat and and and and....

Result of trip to Cotswold Adventure Specialists… my boots were a whole size too small! Yes, that is right, my poor little feet were having the blood supply cut off hence the discomfort after a short walk!!!

Bigger shoes, they are all clean! And new and unbroken in! A size bigger than my normal size and now feel that if there were a hurricane I would not blow over.

So, after my trip in an ambulance to hospital from work  (yes, things can get worse), I have finally managed to get my blood pressure under control. So today, walked with my old friend Ruth (old as in known her all my life - so yeah... pretty old I guess).  When Ruth & I were about 10 we used to take ourselves off for walks around Kingsbury, we tried to get ourselves lost but Ruth's sense of direction was so good that she always managed to get us home!  Me, on the other hand, would still be wondering around Queensbury Circle if it wasn't for her.  It is a good job that The Great Wall of China is just a long kinda straight wall otherwise you may never have seen me again!

We walked about 6 miles tonight in the attempt to break in my walking boots... I have a sore toe - it is the one that I dropped a log of wood on!!! Am I cut out for this adventure?

Tomorrow has blood tests in store for me and next week my doctor will let me know if I am fit enough to travel!  I feel positive and on the road to recovery so fingers crossed it will be fine.  

So, in a nutshell.... bad hip, high blood pressure, sore toes, 3 children, migraines and the sense of direction of a flea!!! What are my odds?  I think that you should all take a bet on me - go on... I will give you good odds..... all donations greatly received in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care (I actually think it should go towards my pension fund but hey ho!).

I do feel that coffee and cake is necessary 

18 Days to go!!! OMG

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Day 102

The Summer holidays are going quickly this year, I am not sure if it is all the excitement of the Olympics and some fantastic days out but it has been fun.  We haven't had anything in the way of a big holiday, just some fun times.  I took Cassidy on the London Eye and we walked around soaking in the Olympic atmosphere. 
Cassidy and Chloe

On our journey home she made me smile... I told her a little about Sherlock Holmes at Bakers Street and asked if she knew what he had in his mouth.... "Oh," she said, is it one of those bubble blowers?"

I was going to climb up Ben Nevis and Mount Snowdon at the weekend but opted for my original plan of visiting Sarah at the seaside!  I gave it some careful consideration and lying on the beach in this beautiful weather swayed my decision.  It would have been excellent practice for the Great Wall but I haven't really done much practice apart from a few stairs at the station that nearly killed me and, more importantly, I still haven't mastered the She Wee (It has some kind of valve on it that I can't seem to move - it will make an awful mess if I can't figure it out).

However, it was a very productive weekend.  Being unable to loose any weight and thinking that if I was a stone lighter, I would be able to bound up the steps of the Great Wall ... I asked Sarah for some advice.  She has been a Herbalife Guru for over 15 years and if she wasn't able to help me loose weight  then nobody could.  She took me and Luke in hand and we have come away ready and armed!

This morning, I shook my Herbalife chocolate milkshake ALL over the kitchen, I forgot to hold onto the little plastic bit on the top of my posh little shakey bottle thingy and it flew merrily all over my newly painted kitchen!!!

Then, distracted by a phone call, I left the shake standing, when I went back to it, it was kinda solid and congealed!!!  However, I added copious amounts of ice, gave it a good careful shake up and drank it down... rather delicious really, not dissimilar to McDonalds Chocolate Milkshake (not that I have ever tried one of them being a Veggie and all!!!!).  So far, five days and as many pounds - Luke too... and, best of all, I don't feel hungry.... It is like a miracle, I have never been on a diet whereby I wasn't starving myself.  This way, we are having a very balanced and nutritious diet and loosing weight. Shake for breakfast, one for lunch and a normal dinner.... not a problem.  I am going to keep this up and intend to loose a stone by the 17th of September.  So proud of Luke too, he is sticking with it and looking good!  Thank you Sarah x

Today, I walked to Ruth's, cycled back... walked to Pinner Station, ran up stairs, changed onto three difference trains, up more stairs, walked up the escalators, went to Chinese Embassy, picked up passport and Visa, walked back down stairs and escalators, back to Pinner and walked home from station... Then, out with Dahlia for fantastic meal at Carluccio's (no pudding!!!! how is that possible??).

Tomorrow is another day !

Been a while since I asked if anyone would like to sponsor me.... so WOULD ANYONE LIKE TO SPONSOR ME? even if it is just a pound or two... everything helps.. Thank you so much. 

Beth xxx

Saturday 4 August 2012

Day 101 The Olympics - Team GB by BG

Wow, what an amazing day I have just had.  I was chosen to be a Camelot Ambassador at the Olympics yesterday and it was incredible from the minute I got on the train.  Easy journey to West Ham and a 20 minute walk to the Stadium.  Followed the crowd of very excited people from all over the world, everyone was friendly and even on the train people were talking to each other which is unheard of!

I was in the front row!  It was the most amazing experience ever!!!!!  I could feel the heat from the Olympic torch and the best athletes in the world were right before my eyes!

I left the children at home with Savannah and Craig, leaving the house at about 3pm to give myself a little time to soak in the atmosphere, from seeing the stadium in the building stages to actually coming to the events was mind blowing!  I was lucky enough to have a tour of the Stadium in 2010 when the building works were well underway and below are some of the photos I captured.

And now as I walked past over 60,000 plants, grasses, herbs and flowers from across the globe that stretch for at least half a mile between the Aquatics Centre and Olympic Stadium it is stunning.

After taking in the atmosphere, I met up with the rest of the six Camelot Ambassadors under the Orbit.  We divided up and headed for our seats!  I don't think any of us knew what was in store for us as we entered the stadium.  We were shown to our seats, right on the track line!  It was like winning the Lottery!

These little remote control Mini's carried the discus back home!  

Night view of the Orbit

This was a day that I will never forget... an experience of a lifetime....

The National Lottery contributed almost 2.2 billion towards London 2012 and it does make you proud to be British!  Thank you Camelot for sending me to the Games!