So, it has been a while and reasons are below!
this morning to the Physio – I did think that I might walk there but changed my
mind as thought the return journey may not be so much fun.
I may have a leg wax before I go! |
Next trip was to Watford
to check on my walking boots that I purchased back in April…. I think that by
now I have properly worn them in but they were still not very comfortable and
after a two hour walk I was experiencing a little pins and needles in my toes…
I figured I needed to find out why before walking miles, up hill and on rocky
terrain and in the heat and and and and....
of trip to Cotswold Adventure Specialists… my boots were a whole size too
small! Yes, that is right, my poor little feet were having the blood supply cut
off hence the discomfort after a short walk!!!
shoes, they are all clean! And new and unbroken in! A size bigger than my normal size and now feel that if there were a hurricane I would not blow over.
So, after my trip in an ambulance to hospital from work (yes, things can get worse), I have finally managed to get my blood pressure under control. So today, walked with my old friend Ruth (old as in known her all my life - so yeah... pretty old I guess). When Ruth & I were about 10 we used to take ourselves off for walks around Kingsbury, we tried to get ourselves lost but Ruth's sense of direction was so good that she always managed to get us home! Me, on the other hand, would still be wondering around Queensbury Circle if it wasn't for her. It is a good job that The Great Wall of China is just a long kinda straight wall otherwise you may never have seen me again!
We walked about 6 miles tonight in the attempt to break in my walking boots... I have a sore toe - it is the one that I dropped a log of wood on!!! Am I cut out for this adventure?
Tomorrow has blood tests in store for me and next week my doctor will let me know if I am fit enough to travel! I feel positive and on the road to recovery so fingers crossed it will be fine.
So, in a nutshell.... bad hip, high blood pressure, sore toes, 3 children, migraines and the sense of direction of a flea!!! What are my odds? I think that you should all take a bet on me - go on... I will give you good odds..... all donations greatly received in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care (I actually think it should go towards my pension fund but hey ho!).
I do feel that coffee and cake is necessary
18 Days to go!!! OMG