Tuesday 17 July 2012

Day 98 Do you think Enrique has Diamonds on the soles of his shoes?

Been such a busy weekend that I just didn't have time to blog!  Hence, thanks Robin for yesterday, you saved me a job!

Whilst at Ruislip Barn on Sunday I received a call from my lovely Ruth.... "Drop everything, NOW", she screamed..... "I have a spare ticket to Paul Simon tonight at Hyde Park".... all my customers before me wondered why I suddenly screamed - their orders were ignored and I even turned a few people away as my mind attempted to figure out how I was going to pull this off.... two of my children were along the Grand Union Canal somewhere with Nigel and Savannah was off somewhere with BF... Children needed finding, bringing home, showering and scrubbing down so had to find someone to HELP and fast!!!! It was like I had just told me that I had won the Lottery and needed to collect it by 4pm time or it will be burnt!

Panic stations.... I was going to do this, I had a positive mental attitude and I would see Paul Simon "Gracelands" live in Hyde Park along with Ladysmith Black Mambazo... 

Mum and Dad to the rescue!  They were amazing, not only did they help with packing away "So Very Crafty", but also found the kids, got them home, threw them at Savannah and Craig who arrived home just in time.

I made it to Rayners Lane Car Park by 4.30pm 

It was like something I never believed I would ever get to see.  Gracelands is one of my all time favorites  reminds me of my brother which is always a good thing..... I called him from the concert just to make him jealous...
Ruth was bopping so much I missed her face! Oops
We pushed to the front, we were like bulldozers.... head down and power through.. headed by Mark which was useful, he had a stick to poke people!  We did quite well, especially as we stopped right next to an Enrique Iglesias look alike, both Ruth and I figured it was the perfect place to stop pushing through the crowd.  By the end of the Concert Enrique, Ruth & I were bosom buddies, Ruth may be more than me as her bosoms are a little bigger than mine, AND, she refused to swap sides with me.  

So, I had the James Nesbitt look alike rubbing up against my right leg and I didn't seem to complain too much!

At one point in the evening, Enrique's friend jumped on his back, threw his arms around Enrique's neck and shouted, "I love you mate" at which point, both Ruth and I, in unison said "SO DO I !!!" (in a kind of purring smouldering accent which neither of us recognized!)  this wouldn't have been so bad if it was just one of us saying it quietly, only in unison it was actually quite loud and we caused quite a stir... it was another one of those moments when a Tenna Lady would have been useful as we laughed so much we could hardly breathe. (I feel like I am mention 'Tenna Lady' more often then Ana Steele mentions her Inner Goddess, I have discovered that my Inner Goddess is just a little weak....and, may I add, slightly jealous)

Ladysmith Black Mambazo

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1 comment:

  1. Nigel Heseltine:
    read Your blog not funny hope You did pee Your pants not amused ." but its ok I love You" xxx
