Monday 10 September 2012

105 - ONLY 7 DAYS TO GO - Very Excited

Now the nerves seem to have subsided a little and the excitement is kicking in.  Poor Cassidy is counting down the days when she opens her eyes in the morning.  She is going to find this tough but has some exciting things lined up during the 9 days I am away.

The kids are being amazingly supportive as are all my family and friends.  Ruth H has been taking me out on long arduous walks and yesterday we walked to Harrow and back.  I vowed that whilst I was in China I would not moan or complain about anything, any blisters, aching muscles etc., will be kept to myself and I would say "nothing".  Ruth exclaimed, "couldn't you start that from North Harrow rather than wait until you are in China!".. bless her, she marches in her flip flops and I am done up like a kipper with my £140 walking boots, £15 socks, Australia hat and ski glasses, water bottle in hand and protein bar at the ready, she looks like she is a model in glamourous magazine and I look like a man in drag!  I joked that the wolf whistle was for me! I did catch a little glimpse of myself in the mirror at M & S and quite frankly wish I hadn't.  I did think that I might meet the man of my dreams on the wall, but looking like that .... frankly, I don' t think so... unless, as Ruth said "he was blind and liked the stale smell of sweat!)

Whilst in Harrow I got a new fancy phone which has brought me conveniently into the 21st Century which is a start, I am hoping that I might be able to update my blog on occasion and keep in touch with the kids.  Obviously, if anyone fancies taking them over a food parcel, I am sure they would be very happy (happier then when I am at home cooking anyway).

I am packing today, the medical list is so long that I have no room in my rucksack for anything else!  Anti -everything has gone in - plasters and snacks comes a close second and a few pairs of cotton undies (and a few extra just in case anyone makes me laugh too much).  Plus, all this lot!!!!

All the equipment to be condensed into a rucksack!!!

I was contemplating putting a photo of me on this blog but have decided that for all you avid readers and all my "blog fans" out there... I will make you wait... obviously you wont have to wait long but I can assure you that if you want a laugh, make sure you keep reading!

I love you all and make sure you all have my new number stored in your phones.


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