Saturday 29 September 2012

Post 113 - Day 4 - Ohhhhh, my leaking bladder!!!

Woke up really early, actually, didn't really wake up as I didn't really get any sleep!!!  Somehow and somewhere, trains were running through the campsite and the drivers of these said trains found it necessary to sound their horns on the hour and every hour all through the night!  It literally sounded like they were hurtling through the trees on top of us.... what with that, and cicadas as big as your hand clicking away so loud that it mimicked a rendition from the Gipsy Kings, massive red and yellow spiders with extra long legs crawling behind your head and the sound of small rhino's snoring from the yellow pods, it was quite a concerto!

Morning took ages to come and when I sat up I noticed that the bottom of my sleeping bag and all under my mattress was soaking wet!  I couldn't have wet myself, I would have known, I didn't sleep... on closer inspection I noticed that it wasn't "my" bladder that leaked but that of my water bladder that I had packed all ready for excursion the night before!

A certain amount of panic came over me as I searched for my mobile phone and camera... located, both soaked and both 'not working'.  You know that feeling of your heart going all warm and a tightness in your chest (probably quite similar to that of Pam's when she realised her bum bag was missing)... well, that and feeling sick over came me.  My camera, for those who don't know, is a little like my left arm!  It comes with me everywhere and taking photos is what I do... especially as I knew what sights lay before me!

I have to say, I had a little cry.. Pam was wonderful, forthright and confident that they would dry out and all would be well.  I had an idea to ask the cooks at the campsite for a little rice so that I could pop them in to suck up all the moisture.  I heard that this works a treat.  "Rice, no we have none" they said in broken English!  I was quite suprised!  May be they didn't understand me.... again I said... please..rice.... "no, there is none!" Now, correct me if I am wrong but it would be like asking for coals in Newcastle or indeed Tea in China...... Puzzled, I felt deflated and for the first time since I arrived, the smile of my face faded - I knew a bladder would leak at some point in my trip but I didn't think it would be that one!

I then thought that the insurance company would really have a field day with this.... last month making a claim for Craig weeing on my wii and all the electrical equipment, Sky, DVD Player etc., and this month.... my leaking bladder on my camera and phone (that incidentally was less than a week old).

I pulled myself together and one of my beautiful companions gave me her camera to hold just to make me feel better... and it did....

We walked and walked and climbed and climbed until we reached a spectacular section of the wall above the Gubeikou valley.  Distant 2000m mountains framed the walk along this little visited section of the Ming Dynasty wall.  It was exclusive to us and no other tourists were there.  It was beyond my wildest dreams (well so to speak - they have been quite wild at times).  It was stunning and like nothing I had ever seen before, we were totally off the beaten track.  You know, I loved every step - each one I took I repeated to myself... perfect fitness, perfect health, perfect fitness, perfect health, and I strode like a mountain goat until I reached the summit.  When there... I lost my breath..... and... my camera started taking a few photos..... how can life get any better?

Another note to self:  This is not a good look!

nor is this!

or this!!!!

Nikki & Hannah - Marie Curie Team and a couple
of the most beautiful ladies I have ever me

This is Laura from Corporate Responsibilities!!!!! We were told only very few climb this as it is very dangerous - one slip on the way down and you are a gonner!!!!!!!

Then, finally back to camp after 8 hours trekking to our crew who was preparing a delicious Chinese meal for us and a little added bonus of some CHIPS... CHIPS CHIPS CHIPS - They must of got wind to the fact that us Westerners are quite partial to a chip or two and they were devoured in seconds... 

We soaked our feet in warm water and exhaustion took over.. we slept and slept well after Pam & I giggled in the tent like a couple of teenagers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I have had a look at the first few entries on Beth's blog. It is very good and very funny - especially the bit when you investigated her 'sucking bladder problem' and pronounced "you stupid tart... it's upside down". I had a good laugh at that (bought tears to my eyes!).

    Make time to read it at home. The pictures are great.

    Tell her I hope she finds her cat.
