Wednesday 17 October 2012

Post 120 - Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

I have been slack in posting my blog as I have been desperately trying to work out how to put a few video on!  So, just for now, and although this should be the last in the China blog... I am going to say a few thank you's. 

This is from Marie Curie....

Hello Marie Curie China trekkers!

I hope you are all well and have had an amazing experience on the recent Great Wall of China trek.

Firstly I would like to thank you again on your fantastic fundraising efforts for this charity.  The current total amount raised for this trip is:  £108,074 – a remarkable effort.

Kindest regards,


Dan Nelson
Events Project Fundraiser
Marie Curie Cancer Care 

Fantastic amount raised and I just wanted to thank everyone for their very kind donations, the money will make such a massive difference.

Every minute of every day someone in the UK is being cared for by a Marie Curie Nurse or Healthcare Assistant.  They care for almost half of all cancer patients who die at home in the UK, providing one-on-one care for the patients themselves and practical and emotional support for families at what is one of the most difficult times in their lives. The majority of the nurses work through the night, allowing friends and family to take some much needed rest.

I would like to personally thank, not only the people who sponsored me but also the the wonderful people that joined me in my venture, I am proud to call them all my friends - each one of you made the trip a time in my life that I will NEVER forget and I love you all.

Just wanted to thank this chap for his cold bottle of beer!

Ruth - our Team Camelot Captain - Thank you so much for all your hard work and organisation - you are amazing

Nikki & Hannah - Head of the Marie Curie Team... Thank you girls you were amazing and aside for all your hard work  getting us all organised, we loved you and your company - you made the trip very special

Without these guys we would not have eaten.. 

Thank you Ken... there is nothing this man doesn't know about China, the Great Wall and how to be a fantastic person.... He was our ROCK!

Thank you Pam.. for being my partner in crime a fantastic friend and for keeping me sane! xxx

Without these boys, James & Peter, we couldn't even cross the road!!!!  Boys you looked after us all like we were family and you are definitely welcome to visit me and mine anytime!

This man.. well, apart from making me laugh so much that the inevitable happened.. anyone who makes me a cuppa first thing in the morning, is a friend for life!  Thank you Andrew for looking after me,  you made me feel safe and treated me like a sister - You are one special man!

When I can figure this out I will post it.. it is a hysterical video of Andrew eating something that resembles a sausage!  

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