Thursday 23rd February 2012
Well, embarking on a journey along with
Great Wall of China, sounds like a good idea?! At least I think it does! Post, three children, dislocated hip, post
nearby death experience after contracting septicaemia, post hysterectomy and
here I am... still able to tell the tale of my experience at the age of 46.
DAY 1 – 11st 3oz
Finding my old pair of walking boots at the
back of my cupboard, I realise that they haven’t been put on my feet for 20
years since my trip around the world.
Mud still heavily dried on them and now sprinkled over the bedroom
carpet! Funny, they don’t really fit,
two pairs of socks and a cut of the toe nails and still they seem too big!
Possibly time for a new pair.... how the devil to expect to be able to do
this... I must be the most unfit person this side of Pinner and I am going to
walk for hours on some very dodgy terraine. Up and down thousands of steps and
in something like 30 degree heat!
By the way, that fit bird isn’t me... I
look more like the girl on the next page only my hips are a little slimmer!

So, how to I transform myself? What are the first steps. Well, filling out the form is a challenge in
itself. I walked, yes walked all the way
into Pinner town to get my photo taken at the local Kodak shop, exhausted from
there collect my youngest ‘Cassidy’ from school and walked home. My boots cut into my left toe, sharp pain in
the hip and tummy scar smarting a little.
After a packet of biscuits and a small bar of chocolate I began to feel
a little more like myself.
Question of the Day: Do feet shrink the
older you get?
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