Wednesday 29 February 2012

Day 3

DAY 3 – 11st 2oz Saturday 25th February

Great day, best for a very long time, I feel positive, on my way to fitness and generally at peace with the world.  The sun is shining, haven’t seen the sun in months and I have my trainers on, the little ones that fit me, size 4 ½ they look like they would fit Cassidy to be fair but they seem a little more comfortable and I don’t need three pairs of socks.   OK, showered, hoovered again with zest, cleaned the kitchen and put a couple of loads of washing on... I seem to be delaying the inevitable walk I had planned!  OK, now, I am ready.

This time, I didn’t call Ruth to put the kettle on, I decided to surprise her and that I did. “Did you walk here AGAIN”, I figured she would be impressed, “YES, twice in as many days” so proud of myself.  Quick cuppa with her and a Ceroc Dance in her kitchen, then back through Pinner on the long trek home! I even broke a sweat...

Quick chat to Sarah who advised me to eat Protein within ½ hour of exercise was a very important thing for the muscles to repair themselves.  So without delay, even though I didn’t really feel my muscles had done enough to warrant repair, it was a chance to eat again.  Scrambled three eggs and noshed them down with a glass of milk! Yum

So, preparing for entertaining seventeen 8 year old girls with my arts and crafts, I pack the car, set the Tom Tom and get stuck in Traffic... late.. ho hum... arrive with happy welcome from kids and set up the table with all manner of fun stuff, from glue, glitter, paints, brushes and Marabou feathers.. the girls were in heaven.
Lunch consisted of the most amazing Indian food that Grandma had been preparing all day long, OMG it was amazing, the most delicious samosa that I have ever tasted in my life... on the kids tables went the rest of the food, Pizza, Fried the old fashion way Chips, onion bargie things and hot chilly type dip, all hand made with onion and spices, truly amazing and I kind of fell in love the Grandma.  The chocolate fingers came out next, they are a killer, I knew that if I had just one then the kids would end up with the fruit bowl.  When I thought no one way looking I stole one from the plate, and another and another and then finished it off with a juicy strawberry cause it made me feel a little healthier.

Job done, jewellery boxes painted and looking fantastic, paid a vast amount of money for two hours work (£270 – all going towards my trip) and made my way home from Gerrards Cross (not walking may I add, I do have a car you know).

So, on route, a text from Dave, one of my bestest friends in the whole world who I have known and loved for 20 odd years stating that he had arrived and was at the SYNC Bar across the road with a pint in hand... Knowing that he would be happy, I didn’t rush – not much, I couldn’t wait to see him.  He has come to see me from Leeds so that we can create a masterpiece together that we are entering into the National Art Gallery in March.  £100 worth of acrylic paint and the back end of a paintbrush and we were away.  Spent the evening, drinking, smoking and creating magic, – unfortunately it was just the paint on canvas type of magic... It was a good day, but not that good!!!

We ate the goodie bag that my new favourite Grandma had prepared, chick pea curry and rice followed by a whole packet of those double chocolate Oreo cookies. I could blame the munchies but I am just a chocoholic with a very sweet tooth.

At 1.49am after a delicious tuna and onion sandwich a la Dave, we retired for the night.

Other achievements of the day include: Asking Rishi, the Club manager of the SYNC Bar, Pinner Green if I could host a Charity event in his bar... YES

Asking Louis, the DJ and good friend from Massimo if he would DJ for me on the right for free... YES

Asking Jimmy (Dave’s friend) if he would set up a webpage for me with Gift Aid to enable me to ask people to donate money to Marie Curie via the internet directly into the charity fund..... YES

Quote of the Day: “it is not what you do, it is what you have done that matters”.

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