Wednesday 29 February 2012


Do or die

Why and I doing this?

Born Beth Laura Gevell and married to Todd Benjamin Riley Routt.  Well, I say married, that is only legally, we have been separated for over a year now as Todd has turned over to the dark side! He has become a spiritual guru and feels that helping all others and the universe is more important to him than his wife and three kids.  It is his calling, I can understand that knowing what he is like.

Marriage was something that he did try quite hard at, obviously not hard enough but it really didn’t suit his personality, he is best suited “Serving the Nation” with meditation, spirituality, out of body experiences, remote viewing, to name but a few.  I still love him dearly and always will, hence letting him go smoothly without too much of a fuss.

Now, single and quite empowered.  The longest I have seen single since I was 14 and I am actually quite enjoying myself.  If feel in control, I am getting back to being Beth Gevell who I have almost forgotten.

Hence, my children and I have decided we would like to revert back to my maiden name.  Todd has since changed his name to Todd Acamisis to suit his job title so permission to change ours was not really something that he could argue about.  Paperwork arrived yesterday, so more forms to fill in... watch this space, we will be Gevells again very soon. Dad will be so happy, it will be worth it to see his face when we tell him.  Beyond anyone in the world he deserves us to have his name and it is an honour to change it back.

1 comment:

  1. You have my love and support also. I'm looking forward to your upcoming posts Beth.
