Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 94 Who will Star in 50 Shades of Grey?? Here are my suggestions!

Or of course, the Great Wall of China!!!!!

I have always had the thought that when your children see you doing things like arts & crafts, then they will follow in your footsteps and will be creative, when they see you going DIY they again will become handy around the house... well, I also believe that if your children see you reading, they too will also, to prove my theory, although I may have been reading the "wrong" material, my little girl does not put her reading book down!  We sit in bed and instead of me reading a story aloud to her (that would be wrong), we read together in silence... sometimes of course, I feel the need to stop reading and to jump in a cold shower however but her reading skills have come along leaps and bounds!

So girls, a blog for you today.... predictions for 50 Shades of Grey, I think we should vote.... comment your suggestions...

Ryan Gosling????

or Matthew?

Mrs. Robinson - Ellen Barkin

Mrs. Robinson—Winner: Ellen Barkin
She may be 58, but … Barkin's kicking it.
The actress has played a list of seductive women including a murderous temptress 
I believe she also heated up the big screen in The Big Easy!
Don't worry, Barkin has enough bite to back up the sexual front as well.
Move aside Grey, the actress dabbled with a real-life billionaire—she was married to Revlon 
chairman Ronald O. Perelman for six years. 
After their divorce she reportedly received a paltry $20 million of Perelman's estimated $12 billion. 
Barkin auctioned all of the jewelry from her husband for another cool $20.3 million. Yeah. She's bold. 
Oh, yes, we can see Barkin straightening Christian out. 

Kate Kavanagh : Amber Heard
Kate Kavanagh—Winner: Amber Heard
For those worried about Kate's strawberry blond locks, 
that's nothing some hair dye couldn't fix - I'm not a natural red head you know!

Mia Grey - Lucy Hale

Mia Grey—Winner: Lucy Hale
"The Pretty Little Liars" actress appears innocent-looking enough to hide an 
obvious promiscuity. It's easy to imagine her big bright eyes lighting up over the simplest 
of things when it comes to planning Christian and Ana's wedding and shopping. This is a job for my
friend Dahlia I think.. Her line of expertise.
Her ability to change from sweet and innocent one moment to extremely persuasive 
Ethan Kavanagh -Jeremy Irvine
Ethan Kavanagh—Winner: Jeremy Irvine

I guess he could also play the role of Elliott however, the young English actor is better 
suited for the role of Ethan. For one, he looks the part—the dirty blond hair 
and the overwhelming boyish innocence when Mia enters a room. 
Elliot Grey: Matt Bomer
Elliot Grey—Winner: Matt Bomer
Matt's beautiful chiseled face of is the perfect mix between serious and 
sarcastic brute for Christian's older brother Elliot don't you think? 
José Rodriguez: Steven Straight
José Rodriguez—Winner: Steven Straight

Straight may not be Hispanic, but his charming, amiable demeanor makes him a 
solid pick for Ana's best friend photographer.

So girls... what do you think?  Any suggestions???

Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 93 - Red Pee and Blue Fingers!

Been pressing on with the lateral thigh trainer, interesting piece of equipment, I am finding it difficult to get my balance so I hold on to the window ledge with my bum sticking out, don't actually think I am doing it properly but at the moment can't even manage five minutes!!!

It was a heck of a weekend, I think that Luke has a Guardian Angel with him.  After he was shot with a Bibi gun in the chest a "friend" of his accidentally slammed a glass front door into him which resulted in Luke being covered in glass from head to toe, it was a miracle that he only came away with a few cuts and bruises as great shards of glass were hanging from the top of the door frame!!!  He was really shaken up - then, to top this off, on Sunday he was very concerned "Mum" he said a little embarrassed "I think I am peeing blood" This is all the poor fellow needed but on further investigation (like you do) it transpired that it was just the reflection of the red shorts he was wearing!!!

It reminded me of when Savannah had the blue finger disease!

She was staying with Ruth whilst I was at a show and on her return from school Savannah had blue finger tips, it was very strange, it apparently looked like the tips of her fingers had lost all circulation.  Ruth was terribly concerned as Savannah then protested to feeling rather faint and poorly.  Ruth telephoned her G.P. friend who spent a good 15 minutes on the phone taking down all the symptoms of this strange and rare illness.  Savannah, now lying down with a flannel on her forehead and everyone fussing around her was expressing feelings of nausea!

Ruth phoned me in desperation and I was none the wiser as to what it could be..... then, revelation, it appeared that this blueness was also around Savannah's neck - could this be the same neck that her new Blue Scarf had been around all day long?

The die had come off from around her neck and whilst playing with the scarf in lessons, also on her finger tips....... what is it with my children, red pee and blue fingers.... it is a shame!  I am still not sure if Ruth called back the G.P. to let her know... I think she spent a good few hours digging through the hypochondriac's handbook.

Here Right Now

Tomorrow is Savannah's opening night - All are welcome, please call the box office to see if there are any seats still available.  Savannah is spectacular and has a lead role in this productions. Really worth coming to see.....

Friday 22 June 2012

Day 92 Tai Chi with a Master

It's been a beautiful day, I love Fridays, when the kids come home and you have them for the whole weekend!

Mum and Dad came over today, we spend some time in Massimo having coffee and cake, playing board games and cards... Mum was a little concerned about Dad, he had gone shopping to Tesco earlier this morning and on his return he said "Oh..... I have to go back", "Why?" she replied "what did you forget?" with a cheeky grin he said "The Car"....


I must add that this is not his typical behavior and at 77 he is incredibly fit.  In fact, tomorrow he is giving a free Tai-Chi lesson in an exhibition held at the North Harrow Methodist Church, Pinner Road, North Harrow between 10 - 12pm - all are welcome.

For those of you who are not aware, my Dad has been teaching Tai-Chi for over 30 years and he was a pupil of Grand Master King Hung Chu. I can proudly say that my Dad holds the title of "Master"

Meister Chu im Chi Kung

Master Chu King-hung

Master Chu King-hung was born in China and first came
in contact with T'ai Chi Ch'uan early in his life. When his
family moved to Hong Kong, as a 12 year old boy, he
 began an apprenticeship with Master Yang Shou-chung
which would last for 26 years. He learned the complete
tradition of the Yang family and was then authorised by
his master to teach the Yang style in its original form.

Master Chu built up the ITCCA in Europe and found an
appropriate way to teach Tai Chi to Western students.


I will be at the Revels in Croxley Green
between 1pm - 5pm with So Very Crafty.
I am under the bright pink Gazebo.
It is a fantastic event for all the family,
with rides, hundreds of stalls etc.,
really worth a visit...

Hope to see you there, after Tai

Thursday 21 June 2012

Day 91 - I wanted to Jump out of the window!

It's 4.37am and I can't sleep, the brush cotton (well more like brush nylon) Primarne PJ's are too hot for this weather and I am overheating.... I've opened my bedroom window, it is raining hard and the sound of the rain hitting the plastic that is covering the once roof of the bungalow at the bottom of my garden is being battered by the wind and the rain!  Is it really June?  

Why am I so hot? Taking deep breaths of the cool air feels great and I spy a squirrel clinging to the wall of the house like Spiderman, he looks at me in utter surprise and freezes, I could almost read his mind, he looked very suspicious!

It was even too early for the white doves that feed on the roof of the garage next door - my neighbour feeds them each morning and there must be over 30 of them fighting vehemently defending the bounty from the pesky squirrels.

I started thinking about the time that I wanted to throw myself out of this window!  I remember pleading with my Midwife to let me jump!  Seven years ago when I gave birth to Cassidy I brainlessly thought it was a good idea to have her at home - how difficult can this be, number 3 child?

As my husband and Luke age 6 sat downstairs in the early hours of the morning watching the umtenth episode of Star Wars, and Savannah was conveniently with her Grandparents for the night (see I must have known) I was in the heavy throws of labour with two midwives and my Auntie Jo - it did cross my mind that it may upset my little boy if he saw his pregnant Mum flying through air out the window!

Hours into my labour I had changed my mind and wanted all the drugs that were on the market, only there weren't any - I chewed on my pillow like my life depended on it in between a few puffs on tiny portable canister of gas and air only really suitable to knock out a small mouse - or that bloody noisy squirrel on my wall ....... the only thing that seemed sensible was throwing myself out of the window which would only have sprained my ankle as it isn't really that high!

I won't go into too much detail (for the sake of my tomophobic friend Jane) but after the Midwife dislocated my hip, my baby seemed to manage to get her shoulder free and all was well (for her!!!!). I held her in my arms and the pain dissipated (for that moment... )  I remember the placenta followed not so long after and the boys coming upstairs when the coast was clear to meet the new addition to the family!  As Luke entered the room I remember the midwife covering over the bowl with the afterbirth quickly and efficiently with a towel.

I introduced Cassidy to her Daddy and Big Brother and Savannah seemed to appear from nowhere, it was such a special moment that I'll never forget.

Months later, and I mean months, young Luke, who is one of the most sensitive boys, with the knowledge of someone who has been here before said "Mum, what happened to your other baby?" I wasn't sure what he was asking, so I questioned him further, to which he replied "Well, I didn't want to ask you because I knew that you would be upset, but when I came into the bedroom after Cassidy was born, I saw that lady covering up your other baby because it had died!" It was at that point when I felt so much love in my heart for that boy that I thought I was going to burst.. it was quite remarkable that at the age of 6 he would have the sensitivity to hold that information inside of him for so long so as not to upset me - he has continued to grow into a mature young man with the same sensibility and care that is way beyond his years.

Time goes by so quickly, I liken it to a roll of toilet roll, the nearer the end you get, the quicker it runs out!  

I'm getting chilly now, I can hear that squirrel, he is making such a racket that I think he may wake up Cassidy - I'm going to close the window, jump back into bed with the hope that I can fall asleep for the last hour before the school run!  It is hard to think that my little tiny baby will soon be in year 3!!

Day 90 - Paraprosdokians & So Very Crafty

Training seems a little on the back burner at the moment and it has nothing to do with "reading too much", not quite sure what is up with me but I just can't seen to get the enthusiasm to train!  However, I do not stop with one thing or another - Craig has promised to be my personal trainer and will get me running... apparently.... don't honestly think that is going to happen but hey, may be fun trying!  If he can get me up and down the two flights of stairs 40 times, you never know!

We did have a little bit of excitement here today with the Police... but if you want to know about it you will have to call!!! It was funny seeing the kids really nervous even though they hadn't done anything wrong... Savannah said to one of them..."I used to want to become a Ollice Possifer!", Luke couldn't stop giggling even though it was a serious matter and Craig kept trying to entertain the P.C. by chatting about the football which Mr PC was clearly not interested in.... I, on the other hand thought one of them was rather good looking and I think I probably licked my lips & twirled my hair a little too obviously, between the lot of us I am surprised we didn't get taken in for questioning.

Oh Mr Grey, Mr Grey where are you!

The most exercise I did today was running up and down the stairs in my heels at Camelot selling raffle tickets for "The Holiday of a Lifetime" - £10.00 a ticket for accommodation for up to 6 people (depending on destination) more or less anywhere in the world... it is an totally fantastic prize worth in the region of £3,000.00 with all proceeds from the raffle going directly to Marie Curie. Let me know if you want a ticket and if you win you can take me with you!  

One of the places you could stay if you won the Raffle Prize

I am also running another craft afternoon due to popular demand


Saturday 7th July 2012
@ The House of So Very Crafty
4.00 - 5.30pm
With Snacks & Drinks
£15.00 each (all proceeds direct to Marie Curie Cancer Care)
Adults & Children welcome

As these events are proving to be very popular, it will be on a first come first served basis but there will be more over the next few months if you miss out!

During this session, I will be teaching the children how to use Angelica with stamps and designing their own cards, and how to draw cartoon characters - if we have enough time I will teach them the beginnings of how to do Calligraphy.

Please contact me if you would like to book a space and you can pay on my just giving website

This was sent to me today.... I loved it and wanted to share! Enjoy

(Winston Churchill loved them) are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently humorous.
1. Where there's a will, I want to be in it.
2. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list.
3. Since light travels faster than sound, some people appear bright until you hear them speak.
4. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.
5. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.
6. War does not determine who is right - only who is left..
7. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
8. They begin the evening news with 'Good Evening,' then proceed to tell you why it isn't.
9. To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.
10. Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations. On my desk is a work station.
11. I thought I wanted a career. Turns out I just wanted paychecks.
12. In filling out an application, where it says, 'In case of emergency, notify:' I put 'DOCTOR.'
13. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you.
14. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.
15. Behind every successful man is his woman. Behind the fall of a successful man is usually another woman.
16. A clear conscience is the sign of a fuzzy memory.
17. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.
18. Money can't buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.
19. There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.
20. I used to be indecisive. Now I'm not so sure.
21. You're never too old to learn something stupid.
22. To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first and call whatever you hit the target.
23. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.
24. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine.
25. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. Amen
This one makes sense.
I'm supposed to respect my elders, but its getting harder and harder for me to find one now.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


DAY 86 = 1980 HITS!!!

Love this .... my beautiful friend Sarah found this and posted it on Facebook for me and it just made me laugh out loud...  How apt that I have found my Wonder Woman knickers but can't find my keys anywhere!!  I always wear them now (my knickers not my keys) when I need something wonderful to happen...... still wearing them, in fact, I take them off, wash them and put them on again.

Oh, I upset someone today.... I am such a bad person...... a woman who I knew at school when I was 13 asked to be my friend on facebook a few months ago, she was the first girlfriend to go out with Russell (also friends on Facebook), the boy who I loved beyond love, he was in every dream, he was my hunk, my life and the only thing I thought about from the moment I woke up in the morning...  but because I was so fat, he didn't like me much!  I tried everything to get him to go out with me, I even shared my donuts with him but it was to no avail... anyhow, now friends on facebook (I can't even remember what she looks like!) I commented that I was in fact his first girlfriend only he didn't know it and that I thought she was flirting with him, I joked that I couldn't believe we were still fighting over him after all these years!  This was her reply:

"sweetie. I NEVER EVER fight for a man. Never have, never will. And flirting is not something I do online with a man who is married and thousands of miles away. I know you're joking but it's not funny really. Russell IS married. Besides, when I flirt, a man KNOWS it."

Then she deleted me!!!! Shame on me!.... this was 33 years ago

I've never been deleted before, it felt rather strange and kind of final, almost refreshing. I left that school shortly after my 14th birthday and it is so apparent why!  I am a terrible person with no sense of humor, only difference now is that I won't share my donuts with ANYONE.. lol!!!!

If he could see me NOW.... 

However, my other friend, my other friend with the bestest sense of humor ever, drove me to the Royal Academy to collect the paintings that were right on the boarder line of being accepted for the Summer Exhibition.  We drove there in style and marveled at the flags along Oxford Street.

On queuing up for the paintings, it was interesting listening to the other rejects who were lining up waiting in shame to collect their pieces that just didn't add up to the mark.... their faces sullen and their heads hung in shame, some near to tears!  I tell you, I was actually embarrassed as I walked away just in case anyone saw my paintings as they drove past whilst I was getting them into the car!

Thank you Ruth, for today, you are a gem xxx

Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 89 - Horrible Fit Thighs!

The Duck Pond today - Fathers Day, it was quieter than usual, do you think all the dads were home getting some quality time with their kids or watching the football?

Before leaving the house this morning at 8am, I did some, walking up the stairs exercise, I could only manage 10 without the persuasive banter of Craig in my ear - obviously I am one of those types who need motivation.

My lovely kids were fantastic today, Savannah and Craig took control of So Very Crafty, selling like demons and grabbing all the orders.  I have decided to train up Savannah and Craig then they can take over and I can retire..... (can you imagine!!!), Luke cleaned the house (ha, that's funny) and Cassidy and Katie came along to the show and had a great time with cuddling the animals at the pet farm, until the little mini pig pooed on Cassidy, then she wasn't so impressed, especially as I was taking her to the theatre this afternoon without a change of clothes... yuck!

Last night I was the only one without a sleepover, all my kids had friends to stay except me, I was tucked up with my cats and my book No2 like some old spinster who was in her 90's.  I did try to have a game of knocking on the wall to guess that tune but the teenagers were just not having it and they were bored of my antics! So, asleep I fell, with the hamster running around on it's wheels and climbing like a kamikaze from the bars, Skye dribbling on my arm and Pumpkin purring so loudly that he could wake the dead...  I couldn't be happier!

This afternoon, whilst the kids were in control at the Duck Pond, I took Cassidy to see the Horrible Histories at Watford Palladium (smelling of pig poo) we went with lovely Jane and Chloe, it was fun, we ate a massive bag of Skittles & M&M's and ice-cream in the interval - I am not too sure how much of the Horrible Tudors they actually 'took in' as when Jane and I questioned the girls on the journey home, the only question they got right was "What flavour Ice-cream did you have?".  Angelina Ballerina was apparently one of Henry VIIIth's wives and King Michael proceeded King Richard!  Chloe did however remember something about Boats and Spain and they both remembered the rhyme "divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.... However, Cassidy didn't know what Divorced meant.... bless, don't we love em.

Judith left a kind of thigh trainer for me at the front door!   Twas there for me when I got home... intrigued, Craig carried it in for me and set it up... well, to say I almost killed myself was an understatement, I seemed to be facing the wood burning stove, climbed aboard this machine, held on to the rubbery arm things that you are supposed to pull up whilst stepping upwards, well kind of sideways really, alternatively left then right... I just couldn't balance on the thing and fell head first into the stove..... brilliant, fit thighs, broken head and hysterical kids who wet themselves laughing!

This contraption is even more dangerous that the other thing she purchased off the internet, the one that you had to use as far away from the Microwave as possible and not to be used on the head (unless you have a fat head).... that you strap around your waste, turn on and wait for the fat to drop off!  I would be waiting a while!! Not sure that this exercising is really for me... this was followed by my Dad popping in with a CD called "The walking diet", This should be interesting, it probably says that you need to walk! It is going to be a fascinating watch, I can't wait.  May be I could watch the C.D whilst on the thigh strengthener, with the electric vibrating thingy around my waist, reading book No.2..... hmmmm there's a plan, I will let you know how I get on.

Just spotted Freddie the hamster running into Luke's room.... good job we found the snake the other day!!!  

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Day 88 - Ode to my Dentist!

Old style burr grinder

Ode to my dentist

It isn't often you find a dentist
A gem, an angel, a rose
It isn't often you find a dentist
that you like looking up her nose!

So lovely with your children
That really is quite rare
They fight for first position
in the dentist chair

But now my dentist's leaving
the new one's quite aloof
I'm not so happy, I want to cry
Don't want her to fix my tooth!

So Sarah, this is an ode
a little Beth reminder
of all the stories that we shared
of saw's and the coffee grinder

So off you go back home
to your home town N.Z
Next time i'm in the dentist chair
you'll be tucked up in bed.

Be happy, don't forget us
use facebook, email, flicker
If you are very well behaved
I may post you a little a sticker!

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 87 - Too Embarrassing for Words!

Walked to Pinner to get the snake's dinner yesterday.... you know when the teenagers talk about "the embarrassing moment when......" well, it was raining, really raining, raining through my waterproof jacket and I looked a little like a drowned rat... however, I thought I would visit the St Luke's Charity Shop which is, for me, like the kids River Island or Top Shop, I seem to frequent this particular branch quite regularly and I am very proud of some of my acquisitions.

So, dripping wet, I thought that I just wanted to pop on a dry top.  Searching through the racks of second hand gear, I come across a very trendy looking Abercrombie & Fitch checked shirt along with a denim waistcoat that I thought may look hot!  So, I peeled off my T-shirt, ignoring the fact that my bra was also damp (I do draw the line at Charity Underwear... most of the time Ruth!!!) and slipped into my new designer outfit.  I smoothed my dripping wet hair from my eyes, looked out the window and saw the sun was shinning.... typical.

So, now standing in the queue at the Post Office, feeling a little more human and even a little 'with it', I am hoping that the parcel that Mother-in-Law has sent from America has arrived!  

Whilst in the queue, I notice quite a good looking man behind me, he was grinning with a kind of "your cute" look about him (at least that is what I thought it was as I haven't seen one of those looks in a while).  I smile nonchalantly back at him with my best kinda "Hi, i'm Bethany and I'm single" pout, then he speaks.. his voice is deep and husky, like you would imagine Christian's to be and he says "do you know you still have the price label on your shirt?"...................................

Now, if the said label was River Island or the original Abercrombie, then this wouldn't have been quite so bad but
"£1.75 St Luke's Hospice" in bold with "gift aided" in smaller letters underneath was one of those embarrassing moments when ............. I yanked at the label so hard that I cut my finger on the plastic thingy, shoved it in my back pocket and must have turned 50 Shades of Pink!!!

What I should have done, was write my phone number of the back of it and given it to him but I kind of lost my train of thought and darted out of the post office in shame!

So, today, with the coaching of Craig, we both ran up and down the stairs 40 times!  Two flights up, two flights down! NOW I HAVE A BIG HEADACHE AND NEED TO GO TO BED. SYNDOL & SLEEP... light on computer too bright... eyes must close.. night xxx


Saturday 9 June 2012

Day 86 - SO HOT HOT HOT - DO NOT visit a Therapist!

My blog is in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care... if you are enjoying reading it... you can donate on the following page.. thank you so much for your valued support & happy reading!

Happy Reading - OMG HE IS SO HOT...... 

I feel I can't breathe and it is nothing to do with wearing two bras!!! Hold on a sec. I have to go, my phone is ringing, I have a call from Christian!!!! 

Back now -  just told Christian that I have been looking everywhere for a grey silk tie but can only find a grey smelly sock.....



YOU CAN JUST HERE HIM, CAN'T YOU?   LATER'S BABY - he was whispering this in my ear last night!  XXX

So, just to take the romance out of it all today, this is what I received in the post... the most excitement I get these days is when someone pokes me on facebook... I don't have a drawer full of toys or even a Red Room or silk ties, I just have a SHE WEE... or to be more precise, a WHIZ.. to WAZ with.  It is a great invention that make's us ladies pee like a man!  Now, we have everything.  I thought this might be a good idea for peeing over the side of the Great Wall!  Rather than having my trousers around my ankles and bearing my bum for all to see, you just put this thing securely/snugly against your "Inner Goddess", keeping the nozzle pointing downwards (it says on the instructions), I guess if it pointed upwards you would pee in your face and that won't do! It also says that you shouldn't share your WHIZ with anyone else... no fun in that either then! They also advise that you try it in the comfort of your own home before taking it on the road!  In the shower yuck!  It also has an extension... now we have what men have AND MORE!!! Christian Grey, eat you heart out.

Because it is hydrophobic it can be flicked dry (no need to rinse it each time) and the antibacterial properties of the material from which it is made allow the device to be re-used over and over with no degradation in its hygienic properties.
The Freedom is a soft and gentle, ingenious device and it allows women of all ages to wee in a standing up, sitting down or lying position without undressing. The Freedom means no more waiting, squatting holding on or hiding. Called a urine guide (also referred to as urine disposer or portable loo) its carefully (and cleverly) designed highly flexible lily shape fits comfortably the outer curves of the human body and is externally held against the groin. Once you start, nature and gravity do the rest. Urine is directed away from the body so there are no flowbacks (unless of course if you are lying down.. surely???), splashes or spills, you don't even have to remove outer or under clothing.

My next arrival in the post today was my walking sticks... especially designed for women!  The handle is all soft and squidgy and they are ultra light weight - they even have suspension to help the knees!

Then this, the Zappa Click.. It looked quite big in the picture but it is a tiny little gun that you press and it releases an electric shock that is supposed to stop the itching of bites!  I tried it on Savannah's backside a few times with the aid of Craig (now that was funny) but whether it stopped the itching I don't know... lol

Our camping trip to Brighton with 17 families was cancelled this weekend due to the weather conditions, wind and flood warnings, however, Savannah was most upset, so Craig has taken her to the campsite with enough luggage for about three weeks.  They even took a compass that neither of them have a clue how to use.

This is the text they sent me last night 

"Sitting in tent eating bagels (sounds normal but wait) No knife to cut them so using a bottle opener.  Had chicken on them that tasted like crap so bought mayo but we got a jar instead of a squeezy bottle because it was cheaper but and used bottle opener to spread it on! Had no plate so used the pringles lid - Now going on a hike to explore nature in the dark, taking the compass so we wont get lost!"

Followed by;

"Fell in quick sand, torch from phone flickering and very scary, almost peed pants (Craig that is), didn't know which way was North so compass useless.  Going to have BBQ later - Veggie Burgers!
Sitting in the sun - weather is beautiful". Going on a 5 miles walk tomorrow with friend we met!


Today I had Eight children over for a craft afternoon to raise money for Marie Curie... it was fantastic, they made mirrors from every medium they could lay their hands on, boxes with buttons, painted Roses and I taught them how to draw animals!  I have glitter and paint everywhere and love it!

If you would like to book on one of my crafty days, please email me at  My website is if you would like to view some of my personalised gifts for sale.


Chatted to my lovely Brother-in-Law Scott today, he makes me laugh so much, (I think he got all the sense of humor genes), 18 years later and they are still saving up to come and see me!  They could have walked here by now! Also chatted to Bryan my nephew, who had his graduation yesterday (Congratulations) and Joshua who I couldn't quite believe was 20 and my Sister-in-Law Sherri, I put down the phone and cried. I love them all very much.  They are always in my hearts... incidentally Sherri have you read 50 Shades of Grey yet? xxx

Time to get young Cassidy into bed and to catch up on my reading... was going to give Book No.2 to my neighbour who is desperate for it but since I saw the photo of Mr G. I have decided to keep on reading! One can always live in hope!

If you would like to book on one of my crafty days for Marie Curie Cancer Care, please email me at 
Personalised Gifts for Children

Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 85 - Escape from Alcatraz & The Double GG's

Today I thought I might give jogging a bit of a go - never again comes to mind.  This exercise is not for me, everything giggled and everything wiggled and it just was not a good look.  So, walking it is from now on!

Poor Cassidy has been very unwell since Saturday and her trip to Disneyland was a difficult one, she took a few photos, not many and quite a few of pavement where a bird was sitting but flew away!  She did say that it was a very pretty duck that quacked in French!

Talking about the French, NOW, if we had exercise classes like the French, then I would indeed be amazingly fit... you must copy and paste this link into your URL and watch the video.. this is how it should be done, it is brilliant!!!

So, my last few days since she has been home have been taking care of my little lamb and catching up on So Very Crafty orders.  Our camping trip for this weekend in Brighton has been cancelled due to bad weather and re-scheduled for September.. Very pleased really as Cassidy would not be well enough!

Also heard from Luke who is having the time of him life in Cyprus, it feels like he has been gone for months! The house is eerily quiet without him except for the hamster who is doing his usual acrobatics and Spiderman impressions that only Monika can mimic. Luke did call me to tell me that he accidentally jumped in the swimming pool with his Dad's phone in his trunk pocket, rendering the phone "useless", I almost laughed but could hear the panic in Luke's voice and just told him that we will tell Dad that it doesn't work "don't know why!!"

Savannah had a bit of a turn too, she was having trouble breathing, I took her out for some fresh air as I was rather concerned, she was turning a strange colour and holding her chest!  Back inside and half an hour later the pains came again.  At this point I was considering taking her to the A & E at Mount Vernon until she admitted that she was wearing two bras as she couldn't decide which one to wear as they were both so pretty!!!!  I felt that one didn't need to be a doctor to figure out that that could be the cause of her discomfort!!! It's a shame!

So now, here I am, sitting in the office, Cassidy fast asleep at last, Luke in Cyprus and Savannah out with (am I allowed to mention him yet, I'm not sure) Craig! and the sound of the fan on the computer is sounding louder than I have ever heard it... I am not used to this silence!  I am not sure if I am supposed to enjoy it or not!  The Hamster sounds like it is trying to escape from Alcatraz Island and the wind is picking up outside - the prospect of reading about Christian Gray and all his money and Anastasia chatting to her Inner Goddess is just not too appealing.... so I think a big (last) slice of Ruth's amazing fruit cake and a nice cuppa may just be in order! OMG....... I need to get out more often!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 84 - Raffle Winners & Food Critic

Sunday’s event was fantastic, it was a great day and everyone was so generous that it literally took my breathe away.

From first thing in the morning when Hannah, Charissa, Savannah and (he who cannot be mentioned but I think I might – Craig) were up and helping me, loading the car, folding raffle tickets, helping me get organised and being totally fantastic, we bundled into the cars and headed for The Pinner Arms…. We set up the raffle, the Tombola and So Very Crafty and all looked fantastic.  The band arrived and the punters flooded in.  From the minute people started to arrive, my posse of teenagers set about selling tickets and collecting copious amounts of money.  They were brilliant and the punters were more generous than I could ever have imagined and the afternoon was fantastic fun.

The Raffle was drawn at 6pm and the winners were as follows:

Congratulations to you all J

1st Prize            ipad Version 3                            Deepa Modeshia – West Lodge 
2nd Prize            X-Box Kinnect & Game               J. Wilson, Barrow Point Ave
3rd Prize            Kindle                                       Mr James Packard - Charity Event – Sunday 
4th Prize            M & S Hamper                           J. Pritchard - Camelot Avalon House
5th Prize            DAB Radio                                A. Lawford – West Lodge Parent
6th Prize            Sandwich Maker                        Jessica S. –  Charity Event – Sunday 
7th Prize            Chocolate Basket                      Roger Lowe - Camelot

I would also like to thank Mandy H for all her help too – this woman is amazing (and is Mother of “he who has now been mentioned”)….

Ticket sales for the Luxury Holiday Accommodation also went very well and are still on sale if anyone would like to purchase any just let me know.

The night before, my teenagers & I went on a pub crawl around Pinner to collect more money from Raffle sales – took me back to the good old days and I possibly had a little too much to drink!

In the mist of this, my Mum and Dad took me out for Lunch seeing as I was child free.  We went to Carluccios in Pinner that has just opened.  In my Dad’s inimitable fashion he pretended to be a food critic and when the waiter asked him his opinion from 1 – 10 on the service and food, he was indeed in his element. “Hmmm” stroking his chin, “overall it was good, however the BACON in the Carbonara was a little crispy and the spaghetti was slightly undercooked, the cream was a good consistency, 7 out of 10, however, the dessert was the best I have ever tasted so your ratings were higher in this regard “ The waiter, on realising that Dad was a Critic, turned a slight shade of purple (not Gray) and asked what paper he worked for… “The Jewish Chronicle” Dad replied… I fell off my chair… 

This kind of reminded me of when my parents were at a party and Dad pretended to be a brain surgeon.... "Where does your Husband practice" one of the guests asked my Mum... "Oh", she said, slightly caught off guard, "he doesn't have to practice, he knows exactly what he is doing!"

If you are visiting Carluccios... head for:

Miranga Con Panna Al Frutto Della Passione

 Raspberry meringue with passionfruit cream and fresh summer fruit.... to die for!!!

However, if going for the Carbonara, watch out for the bacon!

Friday 1 June 2012

Day 83 - Do NOT use if you have Hey Fever!!!

Tonight I have been packing!  Not for me, but for my two very lucky children.  Cassidy is going to Disneyland with her Daddy and Luke is going to Cyprus with his best friend Brandon.  What on earth and I going to do with myself?

I have however, succumbed to the calling of the second book of the triology.... 50 Shades Darker!  A romantic, liberating and totally addictive novel that seems to obsess you, possess you and stay with you!  However, I need to overcome my jealousy towards Anastasia and her constant whining inner goddess.

Do not use if you have hay fever!
My friend came over this evening, she has purchased a very interesting piece of machinery that you pop around your waist, turn on and then it makes you loose weight and you don't have to do a thing... you can sit in an armchair (eating chocolate), turn the thing on and the pounds fall off you... we opened the box, read the instructions and figured out why this thing was so absolutely fantastic.  After reading the instructions, which is something that both Judith and I rarely do, tending to just find where the batteries go and just turn the thing on.  We thought it would be a good idea as there seemed to be no buzzing sensation or movement that we are indeed quite used to!  So, from fits of laughter, we lost about 4lbs in 10 minutes as we seemed unable to stop our hysteria due to the following .....

The device must not be used:

On the head: here it can cause seizures
On the neck/ carotid artery:  Here it can cause cardiac arrest
On the pharynx and larynx:  Here it can cause muscle spasms, which lead to suffocation.
Near the ribcage:  Here it can increase the risk of ventricular fibrillation and lead to cardiac arrest
Keep the device away from children
Never use the device while you are in the bath or in the shower and do not store the device in places where it can fall into the bath or washbasin.

For your safety!

Only to be used by very healthy adults
The device should definitely not be used in the following cases:

Implanted electrical devices (e.g. pacemakers)
If there are any metal implants at the application site
Cardiac arrhythmias
Acute illness
In malignant diseases
In the region of skin injuries and cuts
When there is an increased tendency to bleed e.g. after an acute injury or a fracture.  The stimulation current can trigger or exacerbate bleeding.
After an operation when muscle contractions could impair the healing process
When a high frequency surgical device is connected at the same time
In case of low or high blood pressure
Hay Fever (What????)
In swollen or inflamed regions
Near (less than 1m) near microwave ovens or microwave therapy devices, which could cause fluctuation in the output parameters of the device
Do not use when asleep driving a vehicle at the same time as operating machinery.

If in doubt, consult your doctor!!


So, basically, my understanding is that if you have hay fever and drive whilst you are asleep whilst operating some kind of machine - like say, A CAR - Then this device can be very dangerous!!!!

Well, Judith and I laughed so much that the bloody thing worked a treat, our stomach muscles were indeed tighter and tenser after fits of hysterics - so, do not bother buying this "Beurer" electrode device for bucket loads of money... just get the instructions down loaded from the internet!!!

Downstairs I have the girls watching the trilogy of The Lion King (bless) which has left me wondering if my trilogy will be made into a film (ooooh errr).

Today's training comprised of walks into Pinner x 2 walk back from Pinner x 2, Massimo for coffee, bar of chocolate and a big bag of Doritos and oodles of laughter..... tomorrow, I must be good, tomorrow, I must be good.

Last chances to purchase the raffle tickets for the first prize of the ipad 3..... come see me at the Pinner Arms!

Have a great weekend XXX