Thursday 7 June 2012

Day 85 - Escape from Alcatraz & The Double GG's

Today I thought I might give jogging a bit of a go - never again comes to mind.  This exercise is not for me, everything giggled and everything wiggled and it just was not a good look.  So, walking it is from now on!

Poor Cassidy has been very unwell since Saturday and her trip to Disneyland was a difficult one, she took a few photos, not many and quite a few of pavement where a bird was sitting but flew away!  She did say that it was a very pretty duck that quacked in French!

Talking about the French, NOW, if we had exercise classes like the French, then I would indeed be amazingly fit... you must copy and paste this link into your URL and watch the video.. this is how it should be done, it is brilliant!!!

So, my last few days since she has been home have been taking care of my little lamb and catching up on So Very Crafty orders.  Our camping trip for this weekend in Brighton has been cancelled due to bad weather and re-scheduled for September.. Very pleased really as Cassidy would not be well enough!

Also heard from Luke who is having the time of him life in Cyprus, it feels like he has been gone for months! The house is eerily quiet without him except for the hamster who is doing his usual acrobatics and Spiderman impressions that only Monika can mimic. Luke did call me to tell me that he accidentally jumped in the swimming pool with his Dad's phone in his trunk pocket, rendering the phone "useless", I almost laughed but could hear the panic in Luke's voice and just told him that we will tell Dad that it doesn't work "don't know why!!"

Savannah had a bit of a turn too, she was having trouble breathing, I took her out for some fresh air as I was rather concerned, she was turning a strange colour and holding her chest!  Back inside and half an hour later the pains came again.  At this point I was considering taking her to the A & E at Mount Vernon until she admitted that she was wearing two bras as she couldn't decide which one to wear as they were both so pretty!!!!  I felt that one didn't need to be a doctor to figure out that that could be the cause of her discomfort!!! It's a shame!

So now, here I am, sitting in the office, Cassidy fast asleep at last, Luke in Cyprus and Savannah out with (am I allowed to mention him yet, I'm not sure) Craig! and the sound of the fan on the computer is sounding louder than I have ever heard it... I am not used to this silence!  I am not sure if I am supposed to enjoy it or not!  The Hamster sounds like it is trying to escape from Alcatraz Island and the wind is picking up outside - the prospect of reading about Christian Gray and all his money and Anastasia chatting to her Inner Goddess is just not too appealing.... so I think a big (last) slice of Ruth's amazing fruit cake and a nice cuppa may just be in order! OMG....... I need to get out more often!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Beth,
    Hannah Ashleigh commented on your link.
    Hannah wrote: "Beth, your blogs crack me up! :) xx"
