Tuesday 26 June 2012

Day 93 - Red Pee and Blue Fingers!

Been pressing on with the lateral thigh trainer, interesting piece of equipment, I am finding it difficult to get my balance so I hold on to the window ledge with my bum sticking out, don't actually think I am doing it properly but at the moment can't even manage five minutes!!!

It was a heck of a weekend, I think that Luke has a Guardian Angel with him.  After he was shot with a Bibi gun in the chest a "friend" of his accidentally slammed a glass front door into him which resulted in Luke being covered in glass from head to toe, it was a miracle that he only came away with a few cuts and bruises as great shards of glass were hanging from the top of the door frame!!!  He was really shaken up - then, to top this off, on Sunday he was very concerned "Mum" he said a little embarrassed "I think I am peeing blood" This is all the poor fellow needed but on further investigation (like you do) it transpired that it was just the reflection of the red shorts he was wearing!!!

It reminded me of when Savannah had the blue finger disease!

She was staying with Ruth whilst I was at a show and on her return from school Savannah had blue finger tips, it was very strange, it apparently looked like the tips of her fingers had lost all circulation.  Ruth was terribly concerned as Savannah then protested to feeling rather faint and poorly.  Ruth telephoned her G.P. friend who spent a good 15 minutes on the phone taking down all the symptoms of this strange and rare illness.  Savannah, now lying down with a flannel on her forehead and everyone fussing around her was expressing feelings of nausea!

Ruth phoned me in desperation and I was none the wiser as to what it could be..... then, revelation, it appeared that this blueness was also around Savannah's neck - could this be the same neck that her new Blue Scarf had been around all day long?

The die had come off from around her neck and whilst playing with the scarf in lessons, also on her finger tips....... what is it with my children, red pee and blue fingers.... it is a shame!  I am still not sure if Ruth called back the G.P. to let her know... I think she spent a good few hours digging through the hypochondriac's handbook.

Here Right Now

Tomorrow is Savannah's opening night - All are welcome, please call the box office to see if there are any seats still available.  Savannah is spectacular and has a lead role in this productions. Really worth coming to see.....

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