Tuesday 19 June 2012


DAY 86 = 1980 HITS!!!

Love this .... my beautiful friend Sarah found this and posted it on Facebook for me and it just made me laugh out loud...  How apt that I have found my Wonder Woman knickers but can't find my keys anywhere!!  I always wear them now (my knickers not my keys) when I need something wonderful to happen...... still wearing them, in fact, I take them off, wash them and put them on again.

Oh, I upset someone today.... I am such a bad person...... a woman who I knew at school when I was 13 asked to be my friend on facebook a few months ago, she was the first girlfriend to go out with Russell (also friends on Facebook), the boy who I loved beyond love, he was in every dream, he was my hunk, my life and the only thing I thought about from the moment I woke up in the morning...  but because I was so fat, he didn't like me much!  I tried everything to get him to go out with me, I even shared my donuts with him but it was to no avail... anyhow, now friends on facebook (I can't even remember what she looks like!) I commented that I was in fact his first girlfriend only he didn't know it and that I thought she was flirting with him, I joked that I couldn't believe we were still fighting over him after all these years!  This was her reply:

"sweetie. I NEVER EVER fight for a man. Never have, never will. And flirting is not something I do online with a man who is married and thousands of miles away. I know you're joking but it's not funny really. Russell IS married. Besides, when I flirt, a man KNOWS it."

Then she deleted me!!!! Shame on me!.... this was 33 years ago

I've never been deleted before, it felt rather strange and kind of final, almost refreshing. I left that school shortly after my 14th birthday and it is so apparent why!  I am a terrible person with no sense of humor, only difference now is that I won't share my donuts with ANYONE.. lol!!!!

If he could see me NOW.... 

However, my other friend, my other friend with the bestest sense of humor ever, drove me to the Royal Academy to collect the paintings that were right on the boarder line of being accepted for the Summer Exhibition.  We drove there in style and marveled at the flags along Oxford Street.

On queuing up for the paintings, it was interesting listening to the other rejects who were lining up waiting in shame to collect their pieces that just didn't add up to the mark.... their faces sullen and their heads hung in shame, some near to tears!  I tell you, I was actually embarrassed as I walked away just in case anyone saw my paintings as they drove past whilst I was getting them into the car!

Thank you Ruth, for today, you are a gem xxx


  1. Rachael Shorrock commented on your link.
    Rachael wrote: "Your ex fb friend knows where she can shove it. God i detest women who see other women as nothing but competition (unless ofcourse they are on the other side of a tennis net). You don't need folks like that in your life xxx"

  2. Jane wrote: "Dont worry Bethers - Im always being deleted! and Ive accidently deleted my dad twice LOL xx Rest assured that I will always share my chips with you xx"

  3. Jacqueline Dennaford Never be ashamed of your precious work. Passion and time and yourself went into those, they will always be special to you what others say, especially the art world see from their agenda...what do they know. I love your paintings x
    21 minutes ago · Like

    Beth Gevell Arh Bless you xxx I have hung them on my wall and they look amazing xxx
    2 seconds ago · Like
