Sunday 17 June 2012

Day 89 - Horrible Fit Thighs!

The Duck Pond today - Fathers Day, it was quieter than usual, do you think all the dads were home getting some quality time with their kids or watching the football?

Before leaving the house this morning at 8am, I did some, walking up the stairs exercise, I could only manage 10 without the persuasive banter of Craig in my ear - obviously I am one of those types who need motivation.

My lovely kids were fantastic today, Savannah and Craig took control of So Very Crafty, selling like demons and grabbing all the orders.  I have decided to train up Savannah and Craig then they can take over and I can retire..... (can you imagine!!!), Luke cleaned the house (ha, that's funny) and Cassidy and Katie came along to the show and had a great time with cuddling the animals at the pet farm, until the little mini pig pooed on Cassidy, then she wasn't so impressed, especially as I was taking her to the theatre this afternoon without a change of clothes... yuck!

Last night I was the only one without a sleepover, all my kids had friends to stay except me, I was tucked up with my cats and my book No2 like some old spinster who was in her 90's.  I did try to have a game of knocking on the wall to guess that tune but the teenagers were just not having it and they were bored of my antics! So, asleep I fell, with the hamster running around on it's wheels and climbing like a kamikaze from the bars, Skye dribbling on my arm and Pumpkin purring so loudly that he could wake the dead...  I couldn't be happier!

This afternoon, whilst the kids were in control at the Duck Pond, I took Cassidy to see the Horrible Histories at Watford Palladium (smelling of pig poo) we went with lovely Jane and Chloe, it was fun, we ate a massive bag of Skittles & M&M's and ice-cream in the interval - I am not too sure how much of the Horrible Tudors they actually 'took in' as when Jane and I questioned the girls on the journey home, the only question they got right was "What flavour Ice-cream did you have?".  Angelina Ballerina was apparently one of Henry VIIIth's wives and King Michael proceeded King Richard!  Chloe did however remember something about Boats and Spain and they both remembered the rhyme "divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.... However, Cassidy didn't know what Divorced meant.... bless, don't we love em.

Judith left a kind of thigh trainer for me at the front door!   Twas there for me when I got home... intrigued, Craig carried it in for me and set it up... well, to say I almost killed myself was an understatement, I seemed to be facing the wood burning stove, climbed aboard this machine, held on to the rubbery arm things that you are supposed to pull up whilst stepping upwards, well kind of sideways really, alternatively left then right... I just couldn't balance on the thing and fell head first into the stove..... brilliant, fit thighs, broken head and hysterical kids who wet themselves laughing!

This contraption is even more dangerous that the other thing she purchased off the internet, the one that you had to use as far away from the Microwave as possible and not to be used on the head (unless you have a fat head).... that you strap around your waste, turn on and wait for the fat to drop off!  I would be waiting a while!! Not sure that this exercising is really for me... this was followed by my Dad popping in with a CD called "The walking diet", This should be interesting, it probably says that you need to walk! It is going to be a fascinating watch, I can't wait.  May be I could watch the C.D whilst on the thigh strengthener, with the electric vibrating thingy around my waist, reading book No.2..... hmmmm there's a plan, I will let you know how I get on.

Just spotted Freddie the hamster running into Luke's room.... good job we found the snake the other day!!!  

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