Tuesday 1 May 2012

Day 67 - I am so ashamed!

It;s gone - almost all of it, every hour I take another little slither, it is the most delicious stuff I have ever eaten.... it is sort of a flat cake with daim bar crumbled all over it and smothered in that lovely daim bar chocolate.... oh, even thinking of it makes me want to raid the fridge again, by the end of tonight, it will be gone... I just know it!

Last night I just wasn't in the mood at all to write my blog... it was a tough day and at work in the evening Jane made it very very clear that even if she had a dagger through her heart and hot pokers coming out of her eyes, even if she were (god forbid) in a car accident, if I was there.... I am to put on some clothes before helping her.  She said "the last thing I want to see before I die is you naked" - charming! It actually made me question 1)  If I would actually help her anyway and 2. If she had hot pokers in her eyes she wouldn't see me!  However Jane, if this were ever the case and you need help for anything, rest assured I will strip off naked, even if it is just help with the washing up!

We were trying to think of a topic for yesterday;s blog and came up with writing about "The Perfect Man"... this is how far we got before we got bored.

1.  Does he exist?
2.  Where does he live?

That is it.... done.  If anyone has the answers to these questions then I would be very pleased to hear them.

My new Dentist
I went to the dentist this morning.  I have a lovely dentist called Sarah, she is from New Zealand and over the years we have become quite good friends.  She is fantastic with the kids and treats me like one of them. ie. she makes sure that I have enough drugs as possible so it doesn't hurt... I even get a sticker if I am a good girl.  Well, Sarah is going home to New Zealand in a few months and I am very upset, I am not keen on my new dentist and will miss her very much!

We discuss all sorts of things whilst I am in the chair.  Well, she does do most of the talking because I've usually got something like a big hunk of cotton wool stuck in my mouth... or her fist!!  She has a husband that collects Coffee Machines, apparently they are everywhere in the house, huge, massive things, they don't work, he just likes them.  It made me laugh as Todd used to collect saws.. all sorts of saws, big ones with big teeth and bigger ones with even bigger teeth and smaller big teethed ones and two handed ones, ones with old handles and ones with small old ones... I actually still have them in the shed - FASCINATING HUH!! All those teeth - at least Sarah seemed interested!!!

Sarah has asked if I can bring in some of my artwork for them to sell in the surgery,  I thought it might be a good idea to take a couple of pieces with the proceeds going towards Marie Curie... must think about which ones to take - the best ones of course are at the Royal Academy awaiting approval.... lol.


  1. Jane: I like to think that if you forced to resuscitate me you would be wearing a nice dress, proper shoes and holding a glass of champagne - its just the way I am xx

    Alison Clarke: Yes you gave them to david hockney to sell that day outside the royal academy I think he will do you proud!

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