Saturday 5 May 2012

Day 70 - Naked Again - Oh Dear Lord!

A little observation... how come when I have a juicy subtitle to my blog pages I get well over double the amounts of hits?  Singing in the Rain = 56 v's I am so ashamed = 142 - Marie Curie & Me = 35 v's I thought my friend and ex husband had died = 215 - So this is the reason for my blog title today. I am curious to know how many hits I get with this - it has no bearing on the content - sorry to disappoint!  P.S. The people viewing from Mombasa please reveal yourselves!

Anyway, not really feeling myself today (not that I make a habit out of feeling myself) but just feel a bit flat.

I received this email today from "Go Ape" where I took the kids the other week... made me laugh!!!

Knitting News! (well I have to keep her happy - she is one of my bestest friends after all!)

My friend Sarah wants to knit me this!!! I really hate to say it but it is absolutely fantastic and I could put it in the tree where Gino used to live.... Sarah, I really do want one please!!! and, forgive all my previous comments, I will delete them and will honour your knitting abilities till the day I die (then you could knit me a daffodil (my favorite flowers by the way if anyone was thinking of buying any for me when I die or indeed when I am still alive would be preferable)
Oh Dear Lord!!!
And his friends!

Busy day, cleared front garden, planted a few pretties, mowed lawn, cleaned house,
shopping and finished off Memory Box for First Holy Communion, made four candles
(not fork handles) and did a show with So Very Crafty!  Entertained a house full of 
children, cooked and cleaned and all feeling a bit like rubbish!  I did however put on 
my Wonder Woman knickers this morning in the hope that something amazing 
would happen and I guess having the ability to get through the day was wonder 

1st Holy Communion Box 

Tonight I have five children and I love it, the more the merrier I say - just eaten 
copious amounts of junk food and don't really care - tomorrow is another day.

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