Friday 25 May 2012

Day 79 - I have won "Embarrassing Mother of the Year" Award

Oh, well, I found it very funny but a certain teenager was not laughing, as out loud, as I was!!

Savannah, will you enter me into this competition?
After yesterday's blog, I decided I had better lock myself in the bathroom before the entourage of teenagers piled up the stairs to say Hello!  Clad in nothing but a checked shirt that was covered in red hair dye, looking vaguely like I had been shot, my hair piled up on top of my head with red sploges seeping down my neck, I was far from a pretty sight!  So, Savannah, hurling herself upstairs, banging loudly on the bathroom door and asked, far from politely if I was in the bath, before I could answer she said "I HOPE YOU BURN!!!" Charming, I thought, and all that I do for you!

Little did I realise, or indeed remember how popular my blog had become, and unbeknown  to me, the kids were reading the blog outside in the garden.  My lovely Hannah read it out loud in front of "said boy" and Savannah.  This resulted in a "not so happy" daughter... I think I managed to get away with it saying that it was just a joke... lol... but probably not NOW.... Whilst rinsing out my hair, I laughed and laughed, making a terrible mess but it was the first laugh of the day and boy did I need it.

N.B if you don't know what I am talking about, you will have to read yesterday's blog.

Said couple were out in garden till 1am, so whatever I did I think I need thanking! Don't you?

Lawn mowed, gazebo up, garden cleared of all rubbish (two bins full), fish pond cleaned out, kids fed, house tidy (in preparation of 15 seven year olds tomorrow), three pages of my book read and once again, I have surplus children staying the night.  I do love it though, more the merrier. Tonight I have Henry (apparently Cassidy is only Number 5 on his girlfriend list) and Brandon (who I think is Number one on Luke's boyfriend list)... oh, go Beth, this is a sure way to get the kids to disown you.

Brigitte & Byron
Been feeling lonely today, one of my oldest friends Brigitte is emigrating to Australia on Monday with her man and their beautiful little boy Byron.  Chatting on the phone, I realised just how much I am going to miss them.  Although we don't see each other that often, we are true friends and pick up where we left off so easily.  I have known Brigitte since I was three years old, I used to hold on to her blonde bunches as we slid down the slide.  We used to tie our hands together with school ties and even with our hair, in order to be able to stay together after school.  We got into all sorts of trouble at school, we used to write so small that the teachers were unable to read our writing, I even remember being up in front of the headmaster who spanked our hands with a stick as we couldn't control our giggles when he told us off.

In my heart of hearts I know that this will be a fantastic move for them and now that I have a host of friends over the other side of the world, a trip will definitely be on the cards in a couple of years time.... when I win £75,000 at Deal or No Deal.

This evening I went on yet another walk around Pinner Hill - so, this was my second hour of walking today, this morning with Lyndsey and tonight with Les.  It was lovely in the dark, cool breeze but warm enough for a T-shirt, I felt I was on holiday in Portugal.

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