Wednesday 9 May 2012

Day 71 - Duracell Bunny

So sorry that I haven't done my blog in a while, not been feeling myself (not that I make a habit out of feeling myself but you know what I mean).  I figured out why, after my operation I have to have an implant, this is similar to a Duracell Battery.  The life of this "Battery" is just six months and I am over a month overdue, so just like a kids toy that has been overused,  I am slow and tired and just want to sleep.  

Reminds me of the comment my friend made the other day, she had to use the batteries from her "toy" to put into her little girls Wii Remote Control.... made me think, "surely it should be the other way around?".  

I have an appointment booked with Consultant tomorrow afternoon so should be firing on all cylinders then.

Luke had an interesting time out with his Dad the other day, I overheard the conversation he was having on the phone and it went something like "it will be an experience of a lifetime Luke", my curiosity got the better of me and I just had to ask Luke where he was going.  The answer didn't really shock me having lived with his Dad for 17 years but it was a little more out of the box than usual.  "He is taking me to have a go on a time machine!", "humm, that's nice Luke", I heard myself say, (well honestly, what else can you say?).  I did however text him later that evening, I thought that if he went back to 1970 it would be quite nice for him to say hello to my Zada for me. Luke is quite an amazing kid, he has the ability to amuse his Dad to get his attention but also to keep grounded and secretly think that his Dad is a fruitcake.

On his return the next day, I was mildly interested in how his evening went.  Luke explained that it was a bright lamp with LED lights that shine fiercely into your face whilst listening to hemi sync music whilst wearing a blindfold and earphones.  Then, you get a sensation of floating outside your body and perceiving your physical body from a place outside your body... get it!?  Or, an OBE (Out of body experience), other names for this are astral projection, soul travel or even spirit walking.  I guess if anyone has ever had a near death experience you may understand this a little better.  Personally, I feel it is tricking the brain but I have to keep objective.

I also think that if someone was shining a mega bright light into your face and gave you some loud weird music to listen to whilst relaxing in a comfy chair - all sorts of things can happen!  Luke experienced some bright colours and a feeling of paralysis.  He didn't however, end up in the 1970's which I was quite disappointed about cause I thought my Zada would love to hear from me.  Arh well, may be next time.

Apparently, the machine costs £18,000 and Todd may purchase one to go into the church that he is buying for two Million.  I asked Luke where he was planning to get the money from for these two items, and with his fingers acting as quotation marks he said


So, if anyone has heard of "The Bank of the Universe" please can you give them my number because I sure can do with a loan.

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