Sunday 20 May 2012

Day 76 - Little Cock and The Red Arrows!

Wow, what a weekend, working the Rickmansworth Festival and still cold through to the bone!  It was a great weekend made even better by the viewing of the Red Arrows, a Lancashire Bomber and four Spitfires!  See, I told you to join me...

Good Photo Huh!
"People watching" was also quite a highlight, who would have thought that there would be such an amazing array of people in Rickmansworth, it was a little like Camden on a Sunday morning.  And, dogs were just about everywhere, every bread, every colour, every shape - I think I have decided that I would like a Cockapoo or a Cocker Spaniel, they are very cute, I have been warned off getting a Boarder Collie that I have wanted for years and this seems like a pretty good alternative - oh so cute!! What do you think?  Apart from the fact that I might need to get a second mortgage to afford one... he is pretty irresistible.

I want him!
Really busy with So Very Crafty, apart from the fact that the Windchimes I was selling were driving me crazy and making me want to go to the loo every 10 minutes.... I can still hear the tinkling in my ears!  Thank you to all of you who managed to come and keep me company, especially Dad, Les, Ruth & Jane who all got me tea and Cake/Fudge/Chocolate Peanuts... yum...

Cassidy's 7th Birthday tomorrow so short but sweet blog as my fingers are still cold!  Presents to wrap and housework to get done... a woman's work huh!

Massive thank you to Gilda & Family for the very generous £50 donation and my beautiful friend Mersedes for her £50.00 donation today too!  xxx

Love you all
B x

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