Monday 14 May 2012

Day 74 - Kill or Cure with Zumba!

That's me on the left!
Decided that now I have been fully recharged I need to get back into the “Keep Fit” game.

So, I walked Cassidy to school this morning, she was more than happy with this as she was going back for tea with her boyfriend Max and full of the joys of Spring.

From school, to the gym for a workout session, it was strange, I looked through the window when I first arrived and thought I was really early, made myself a coffee and started texting a friend.  When I finally looked up, I was quite late and walked into the session whilst everyone had already started.  I hate this, I felt such an idiot trying to avoid getting smacked on the head by a bar or knocked sideways by one of the Amazonian woman pumping iron!  Made my way to the weights and chose my little yellow ones (not much heavier than a polo mint Dad so nothing to worry about), then managed to find a small space to park myself, I was squashed between a woman with a six pack and arms like Schwarzenegger and my 70 year old friend Sonia.  Sonia is about five foot tall, about 7 stone and the fittest lady I think I have ever met (even put’s Rachel to shame). I watched her in disbelief as I just couldn’t keep up! The weights she had were four times heavier than mine and my arms were four times fatter!  During a quick “sip of water” break, she pointed out her boyfriend who was working out in the gym – this “young” man looks a little like a blonde George Cloony – talk about fit…… I felt a pang of jealously waive over me and the lady is 70!!!

Half way through the instruction said Lunge and I was convinced he said “Lunch” and was ready to walk out, I had so had enough.  Apparently you have to push through the pain but I had pain in the warm up so I didn’t hold out much hope.

After the killer session, I thought that I would give the Zumba class a go.  Now Zumba, for those of you who don’t know, is the only Latin-inspired dance-fitness programme that blends red-hot international music, and contagious steps to form a “fitness-party” that is quite addictive.  It is like Salsa but on your own.
Well, kill or cure I say.  The instruction was a slim, Italian chap called Davido, very camp and teaches Salsa too, he had a wiggle that would put Elvis to shame and camped it up something rotten, the Rock ‘N’ Roll music came on and Davido put on his hat and Rocked it and I came into my own!!!! it was like a light went off in my feet as soon as “my” music started!  I LOVED this class, the music blasted and I just wiggled my way through the lesson pretending I was some kind of scintillatingly sassy Salsa Dancer.
I know what you're thinking -
"It would have been easier to dance
 if I wore my trainers!"

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