Sunday 27 May 2012

Day 80 - Ambulance - Great Tits, Snake, Justin B & Jessie J

Today was just something else!

Woke up at the crack of dawn as the girls were desperate to practice on their roller skates. Lyndsay, being fantastic, dropped off Kate's at 8am but she came bounding into the house saying that there was an old lady who has collapsed to the floor just outside on the main road... so, Beth, in her inimitable fashion, yet again, in her Nighty.... yes, just my Nighty, a grey one with little hearts all over it, very low cut, obviously, no bra! goes zooming out of the house, without (yet again) a care in the world about her physical appearance, to run to the aid of said "old lady".

So, there I am, on the floor, my cushions supporting head and legs, put the old dear into the recovery position, take her pulse and call the ambulance.... Meanwhile, again, with boobs akimbo, I chat nonchalantly to the dear lady making sure she stays awake and calm.  In the back of my mind I do think that I ought to get on some decent attire before the ambulance men arrive, but there was no way I was going to leave her, she has my hand so tightly in her grasp, her breathing became erratic and her legs shaking uncontrollably.  Then, after about 15 minutes, a police van rolls up, they were just passing and probably wondered why someone was sitting indecently on the floor hunched over this dear old lady.

Obviously, it had to be two very good looking young policemen, I gave them all the details I had and caught one of them loosing eye contact with me which was a bit disconcerting, he was definitely distracted by my lack of dignity and buttons!  Another 15 minutes passed before the ambulance finally arrived, I was pretty horrified as to the time it took and they said they had come all the way from Chiswick as they were the only vehicle available!!!!! Wow! That is quite a worry!  By now, we had created a bit of a crowd, all seemed a bit like this had happened before..... even a little dog was added in this time.

My dear lady turned out to be a bit of a war heroine, born in 1922 (she told the policeman she was 21)  she told me some fascinating stores about when she was in Malaysia and was put in charge of a whole battalion, if we hadn't have been lying in the floor together I could have chatted to her for ages.  The ambulance men then expertly manoeuvred her onto the gurney and popped her in the back... off they went with my War Hero!

A great tit landed on my bird table today!
The rest of our day was spent lounging around in the garden, we had a water fight in the glorious sunshine and afterwards Hannah decided to pop her bra on the bird table to dry -  It is in fact the only tits that have landed there since I got it!

We then had a lovely visit from a completely charming young lady who works for Justin Bieber and Jessie J.  The kids have known her for a while but it is the first time that she has come to see us.  They sang in the garden together which was totally awesome and she told us some brilliant stories.  She has said that she would like to make a "cover" with Savannah Wow..... How fantastic would that be?


Tango getting a Tan.. go!
To top the day off, Cassidy found TANGO! He was slithering down the stairs to come to see us all, his head was poking out between the banisters - we took him out with us in the garden to get some rays, it really was great to see him.

Now finally, after a totally hectic but fantastic weekend, the house is quiet, just Savannah and (person who shall be nameless) in the garden, I am now going to retire to read my very naughty book!

Good night, sweet dreams & have a great week x

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