Sunday 29 April 2012

Day 66 - Record Number of Blog hits yesterday! - Cheesecake Thief

I forgot to mention that yesterday whilst Ruth & I were in the Jacuzzi, we were putting the world to rights.  Our main topic of conversation was "how do woman feel complete with their own company?" - what I mean by this is "How do we feel secure and whole, without a man in our lives?" Both of us have not been single since we were about 14.   We were recalling how very lucky we are, fantastic children, beautiful homes, many friends and great family, our health etc., but always, we seem to be "alone" without a man by our sides.  I exclaimed to Ruth that if we were to find Mr Right or, if we didn't find Mr Right, then we would always have each other................. then.... SHE COLLAPSES AND I THINK SHE DIED! Rude, I say, Rude!

I hardly slept a wink, all night long I kept having these visions of Ruth starring up at me with vacant eyes and motionless - every time I closed my eyes the image re-appeared!

It did however, make me wonder if the onlookers also had rather a bad night sleep with the images they had been subjected to yesterday of me, blood stained and naked and Ruth unconscious and trapped under the shower door!???

So, First thing.... check on Ruth.

She seems to be doing OK and I would like to thank everyone on her behalf who have been concerned for her welfare albeit through fits of laughter.... as Mum put it eloquently "it did seem to soften the blow."

We all popped in to see her this morning for Choc au pain and Croissants heated up in the Aga - nothing nicer - except maybe Cake! for Abi's 16 birthday breakfast celebration.  It was so lovely, Abi was looking so beautiful with her new hair do and tiara, her handsome boyfriend by her side.

For her present we bought her some new shoes... they were so nice, they fit me beautifully and I actually tackled Abi to the floor in order to try them on....   Little worried she may have bashed her head but I think I am still a little panicked from yesterday's debacle.


Ruth:  Note to self: however much u seek excitement do not pass out in the showers at Riverside on a busy Saturday afternoon. It would be painful and embarrassing... Very,especially when it takes several men and women several minutes to work out how to extract you from the cubicle whilst you lay there wet and disrobed.......
 ·  · 

Thanks for all your concern re my funny turn yesterday,feel back to normal whatever that is?! Have had a great day celebrating Abi' s 16th with an Aga Q..... weather not conducive to BBQ of course! All went well.... yes Pinner bookies even the coffee bit!!!
 ·  · 48 minutes ago via mobile · 

  • Mary  likes this.

    • Stephanie I didn't know it was Abi's Birthday, please wish her Happy Birthday for me :-) xxx
      39 minutes ago · 

    • Jo v. pleased all went swimmingly! (will this post? Yesterday's comment re my sauna incident didn't.... But maybe that's just as well!)

After breakfast and attempting to tie Ruth to the chair (an impossible task) to stop her from cooking, cleaning and running around after everyone, we went home for lunch!  Lovely Jane and Chloe came over and we still had Katie from the night before. Whilst it rained heavily outside, we made crafty things with the girls - fire burning, the house all snug, tea and chocolate - who could ask for more?

It is now getting late and I am struggling.....

I've got this cake in the fridge, it is daim bar cake, it is calling my name, I can hear it... loud and clear.  I had the smallest chunk and it is so yummy, really really yummy that I really don't know how I am going to resist it!

When I was a little girl I used to go downstairs in the middle of the night and steal a whole cheesecake from the freezer.  I couldn't just take one slice otherwise it would have been noticed, so I took the whole thing so it looked like it was never purchased in the first place.  I used to lick it, like a lolly, whilst it was still frozen and work my way through the whole thing as I just couldn't wait - frozen cheese cake... yum.... now, with no parents in the house to tell me off and this delicious cake downstairs calling my name, I am in such a quandary!  This one only took 10 minutes to defrost....................... I need to just go to sleep and forget about it... I can always have it for breakfast!!! How does it know my name anyway? This is pretty unbelievable, my mouth is watering just thinking about it, it is like some kind of narcotic drug, I must resist, I must resist.... Will let you know if the morning if there is any left!  Night Night beautiful people, must go downstairs and get CAKE! xxx

P.S.  Mum & Dad, I owe you at least a dozen cheesecakes.... sorry bout that!

Don't forget to sponsor me..... increased my target to £10,000..... go on... help me reach it xxx