Saturday 28 April 2012

Day 65 - Thought my friend & my Ex Husband had died!!!

I woke up bright and early, just couldn't sleep and decided to text Ruth to see if she was up and fancied an early morning swim.  For some reason, the kids were up early too (funny huh, how they are up early at the weekend but during the week when they have to be up, it is like waking the dead!).  So, at 8.30am dressed and ready for a luxury swim at the Riverside (open weekend for people who can't afford the membership), I walked over to Ruth with Luke and we took the boys swimming.

OK, no problem there you would think. It was luxury, we swam for about an hour, had a dip in the Jacuzzi that was heavenly and then just 5 minutes in the steam room which always makes me feel like I am inside a kettle.  All cleaned and steamed we hit the shower with very posh Molten Brown shampoo and conditioner... I felt a bit like a princess.

Ruth was in the cubicle next to me and as I was washing the soap from my eyes I saw her naked bottom on the glass as she kind of spreadeagled!!! Charming, I thought to myself, and before I could tell her that, although she had a very lovely bottom, it was not a particularly charming sight of it splattered up against the glass!  Then, before the words were out of my mouth - she slithered across the glass partition and crashed, literally crashed to the floor!!!  I darted, starkers out of my shower in what felt like slow motion to find her, eyes wide open and motionless.... Honestly, for a split second I thought she was dead!!! I screamed for someone to get help and held Ruth's head in my hands.  I couldn't get in the cubicle as her body was blocking the door, if I had forced it open I would have removed her left boob and that just wouldn't do!

I certainly couldn't have squeezed under the door and there was absolutely no way that I could climb over the top either, so I gently managed to get a towel under her head and talk to her.  It felt like forever before she said "I'm OK, I'm OK" obviously she was far from OK but at that moment, a waive of relief, more than anyone could ever have felt, came over me.  I managed to get her to shuffle down the cubicle so that I could get to her aid.  She was feeling really nauseous so I covered her up with copious amounts of towels that seemed to be appearing from everywhere and rolled her onto her side.

At this point, a very big, handsome young man came bounding into the ladies changing room with his right hand man and numerous members of staff,  with a first aid bag and a Mars Bar in his hands! It wasn't until he was hovering over Ruth that I realized that I had managed to cover her dignity but I was stark naked kneeling in a pool of water by her side!!!  I heard one lady ask me if I was bleeding! No I replied and then noticed that it must have been my red hair dye that was dripping down my boobs relentlessly!  That wouldn't have done would it, one passed out and the other bleeding to death!  It was starting to resemble some kind of "Midnight Murder in the Shower cubicle @ Riverside!"

If you can imagine the lady naked and the lady in blue also naked, and a shower cubicle & lots of water... it would be a reasonable reconstruction!!!

She started to come too and very slowly (in our matching spotty knickers!!!) we managed to get her dressed, the staff were brilliant, they even found the boys, took them to the restaurant and sat them down with the menu telling them that they could have anything they liked!  By the time we were out, they were tucking into Chocolate Ice Cream and Crisps!!!!

I drove Ruth home (in her new car - very nice), settled her down with blankets and tea and went to see my poorly Aunt!  Home now and just knocked my cup of tea all over the computer!

Watched a little bit of a movie about a Chameleon called Rango but it made me miss Gino too much so decided housework was a better option.....

Found out that Todd hadn't died either having not heard a word from him in over two weeks!...... so I guess, all in all, It was a pretty good day!

1 comment:

  1. Saira: I love reading your blog but found today's so funny (sorry) that I literally lolled & almost woke Hannah! Hope your friend is ok too xx

    Ruth: I have lived to read the tale thank you! Beth was fantastic....
