Friday 13 April 2012

Day 51 - The Little Mermaid... NOT!!

I am actually blogging it..... I have approximately 180 people coming to my Charity event tomorrow, this is 30 more than expected and still more on the waiting list!!! Should be a great night but I am quite nervous, I've been running around with Judith all day gathering prizes for the tombola and nibbles from Costco!

Similar but not the same! 
Stressing too about what to wear, I have a lovely dress that makes me look a bit like a mermaid (through very squinty eyes and in a darkened room) but the only trouble with this dress is that dancing may be a problem.  I could hoik it up and tuck it in my knickers but seeing as I may have to wear spanxs, it might look a bit odd tucked into my knees!!!  I would also want to wear my dancing shoes - if Dahlia doesn't notice them I may get away with it... the choice is, the mermaid dress or jeans!  hmmmm, will have to see how I feel in the morning.

I did do a little bit of exercise today, I went on Judith's vibrating machine for a while... now, this is not as bad as it sounds!  You stand on this thing and it vibrates through your body and well into your brains which may be why I have a bit of a head coming on!  It was the strangest sensation ever, everything shook, everything wobbled, even my teeth were chattering, a little song that Todd used to sing to me came to mind "Watch it Wiiiiiggle, See it Giiiiiggle, J.E.L.L.O"  it did make me confirm to myself (apart from the obvious) that Spanxs were definitely the way to go. I then attempted to sit on it for about 30 seconds, now that was quite fun! more fun than I have had in a while anyway! Note to self... buy one of these machines.

Obviously, had to have a coffee in Massimo, took Judith as a thank you for running me around today.  We ordered a little of every cake in the cabinet... yum.

Luke's birthday too tomorrow, so a breakfast of Sushi platter at the ready, presents wrapped, cards written, cake sorted, all planning complete, Ruth on her way over with head pills galore and a relaxing evening in is on the cards!  That's funny huh... me relax - not possible.

Can't wait to see you all tomorrow.... dress nice and bring loads of dosh!!! Love you all xxx

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog siss! I wish we all lived closer. I would love to come for a visit someday!
