Thursday 26 April 2012

Day 63 - The Telechubby walked home from WORK

Had a great night last night with my work crew, Dahlia stayed over so that she could drive me to work in the morning.   Started nice and early in order to walk home from the office.  This is something that I have wanted to do for a while (not).

Tolpits Lane, Watford, to Pinner

For 10 years I have driven past a really lovely part of Tolpits Lane that I always think would make a great photograph but there is nowhere to stop that is safe - usually driving past on an early shift,  it looks amazing with the 5.30am morning frost and dew over the waters but at 1pm in the pouring rain, it wasn't quite so appealing.

Approximately 6.5 miles I think.  Prepared for this expedition at my desk by changing my sexy black boots into my walking boots, putting on my new neck scarf that arrived in the post from Tracy (I love it), filled up my water bottle, hid not needed bags under a desk and headed off.  I actually felt quite excited and quite cool, all in black, with my black riding jacket etc., I strutted out of the office and onto the streets of Watford.  Now..... as I thought to myself that I feel pretty "with it", the heavens opened and I mean full on proper rain, not that drippy stuff but what I would call REAL rain hit on me hard. I took out my fluorescent green water proof mac that I found buried at the bottom of Luke's cupboard (I actually don't ever remember seeing it before in my life!) and threw it on.  Now, I resembled one of the teletubbies, I think his name is Dipsey, the green one, so there really was a strong resemblance.  Actually, it is a good job that it wasn't in the dark because with my new head torch it would be very hard to tell me apart from him!  I think you would probably have seen me from Space!

So, walking along Tolpits Lane with the traffic zooming past at some ridiculous speed, I came to the conclusion that it was extremely dangerous!!!!! I was walking head on to the traffic and every time a car went past a chill went up my spine (it could have been dripping water but I wasn't taking any chances)... so, I decided to cut through the private roads of Moor Park.

To while away the time, I decided to give my beautiful friend a call for a chat, we chatted about all sorts of things including how to use a Shewee, I still can't figure out if it would be a good idea to take one with me to China.  My friend said that I should actually work on my pelvic floor muscles as her 12 year old daughter can actually pee across from one side of the bath to the other like a man!  Clever trick, I didn't worry about asking her why she might be doing this in the bath but I did confirm that no amount of weight training in that region of my body would improve my flow... as it were!  Let's face it..... just a wee cough these days is all it takes.

We also discussed knitting things, this is a subject that I try hard to pretend that I am fascinated in, but to be brutally honest, I just amuse her with comments like "ohhh, you must email that to me, it sounds amazing! and "wow, how cute and clever!"  This is what she emailed to me today....  reeeeealllllllllllllllly?????

So, it took me 2 hours, a kit kat, a 
conversation on knitted whatever they 
are's, soaked through as the green 
Kagool is far from waterproof (even 
my knickers were wet (from the rain), 
black eyes from mascara cause that 
wasn't waterproof either, to get home..
Not too sure if I will do this again
next week! 

Did some "So Very Crafty" work, housework and sorted kids of all ages and off to bed... 
tomorrow is another day ...... (obviously!) x

1 comment:

  1. Jane wrote “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!”
    ― Hunter S. Thompson
