Saturday 21 April 2012

Day 58 - I NEED HELP!

Sorry for late blog... I hurt my finger in the hoover and it really hurt to type, ouch.. but this morning, although not looking too good, it does feel better.

I finally managed to get my passport and Cassidy's to the post office for renewal, I couldn't believe that this was so so expensive but has to be done!

I then popped into the pet shop and realized that I spend more money in there than I do in Tesco!  After £25 on locusts, hamster treats, frozen mice, posh cat food for my sensitive old girl and fish food, I then went to Tesco for potatoes & baked beans!!!!  So, the cats had Ala Carte with Chicken and Pasta Pearls with Trout and Mixed Vegetables, a la Primavera with Beef, a la Florentine with Pollack and the kids had Spud n Beans!  Made me have a little think to myself! 

Spent the evening installing my new printer (thank you Jo & Mike it is fantastic).  This has replaced my printer of 7 years and how things have come on!  WOW, I printed out some of my best photos and I am so excited, it really is amazing.... This was coupled by me and Judith's attempts to insert coloured cartridges into the computer in a particular order and actually getting the thing working, this resulted in a lot of hysteria and when this is combined with two ladies of a certain age.. the inevitable has to happen!  lol

I fed (actually she fed herself) toast with left over humous from Saturday night that she exclaimed when almost finished.... "I think this needs to be thrown out, it tastes a bit fizzy"..... mental note, FILL FRIDGE.

Exercise comprised of walking Cass to school and around Pinner.. this just wont do!!!! I need HELP!

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