Thursday 12 April 2012

Day 49 - The Hustle

I am sitting this morning with Skye - my cat, literally dribbling on the keys whilst I type (the cat that is, not me) she is waiting her breakfast but  felt I felt I needed to do my blog first as I crashed out last night before I could get to it.

Yesterday was interesting, kids (along with their friends) locked themselves out of the house, so as I was breaking in my new walking boots around Pinner, I told them I would walk to North Harrow to get the key from my Daddy!  They huffed a little, like teenagers do, as it was going to take me a good couple of hours but having no choice they settled down on the trampoline...

I felt rather tall and regal in my boots, not having the correct socks yet, I did them up tight, probably too tight as I started to get pins and needles quite rapidly, on loosening them, they were a bit slippy and I kept stopping to adjust them (that's my excuse anyway, I was knackered).  Arriving at my parents, quick swig of water and then headed on the long trek back along George V Avenue... in Dad's comfy car!

Spent an hour or so in Massimo with a hot chocolate (had a coffee there already earlier in the day) and we started chatting to a charming man called Sean.  Savannah and Hannah were persistently asking him questions and this resulted in some great stories of how basically "rich" this man was... he handed me his business card, it was very posh with a clear plastic card with gold writing - and a very cool water marked eagle emblem - I found myself sitting more on the edge of my seat with my tummy pulled in.  I was however, still in my not so attractive baggy blue tracksuit bottoms that I often wear to bed and my chunky walking boots that are far from sexy!  After much questioning, like, "do you have a plane?" (answer " yes, just a small jet) Savannah too seemed to be nearing closer..... her final bombardment of questions went along the lines of "do you have a wife?" This she asked with hand gestures towards me........"or even a girlfriend? She persisted... both questions unanswered she then said "how about a daughter?"... incidentally Mum... he is single....

Savannah then hustled £20 out of him (not missing an opportunity to getting money from somewhere) and sang beautifully in the middle of Massimo.  Gathering up her money, with a coy smile across her face, she ran for her bus saying "it was nice doing business with you".

This was just after inviting him along on Saturday night to the Pinner Arms!


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  4. Everyone looking for Sean Kadir should see this:
