Tuesday 3 April 2012

Day 41 - Oh yeah.... 5 Mile Walk! and my Guilty Pleasure!!!!

Got early morning alarm call from my lovely Shelley next door.... remember, the fit one!!!! Well, I had to go to Mount Vernon today to get a routine blood test for health check and thought "let's walk", Shelley was in the mood so I donned my trainers, grabbed another one of her very wee (hope I don't) bottle of waters and away we went.  I had to slow her down, she only has diddy little legs but boy can they stride!!! I felt that if we had carried on at that pace then my legs would drop off!

Chatted all the way and took about 45 minutes, on arrival, long queue, so I grabbed my little ticket and we then both did stretching exercises on the little triangle of grass outside the Pathology lab where all the old biddies looked on in horror.... I think it might have been when we were bending over that may have increased their blood pressure!

Bloods taken, striding back, I did notice that there were a great number of beeps, whistles and head turns from passing vehicles.  I decided that I would walk with Shelley more often as even though I know that the attention is all for her, I can pretend a few may be for me and this increased my stride and confidence somehow!

Route planner - From Pinner Green - Mount Vernon Hospital
Print this pageDistance: 2.5 miles (show in km)
Time: 0 hr 10 min

Feeling really good about myself after our walk, I went to Cotswold Outdoor Sports in Watford and managed to buy myself a very flash pair of hiking boots!!! I tried on loads, loved the look and feel of the ones with the fur lining but was really sensible, I went for comfort rather than style!  Also thought that the Ugg boot lining may be a bit on the warm side in China.. Also got one of those head bands that keep the UV off my head.. now I know that my friends are glad they aren't coming... I wont get many wolf whistles on the wall wearing that!

Great Wall of China.... Bring it on..........

Did something very embarrassing last night! 
I have a guilty secret pleasure and I acted on it!!! oops... 
If someone donates on my site tomorrow by £20 or more I will share with you all!

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