Sunday 4 March 2012

Day 10 - I am so proud of my Kids!

READERS OBSERVATION:  It has been brought to my attention that EVERY DAY in my blog... I mention : CAKE! 

Didn't weigh myself this morning, thought better of it... Last night was hysterical.... Did I mention that Rachel wired me up with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor?  She is a heart technician and she kind of borrowed a monitor from work for me as I think she might be worried that I may have a heart attack on the tennis court!

However, a word to the wise (I feel another quote coming on), do not get drunk when you have one of these contraptions around your arm and around your neck and around your waist... why, I will tell you why.  At 2am when we decided enough was enough, I went upstairs to bed.  Took off my T-shirt and realised that I couldn't get it off the tubes and wires!  It was inter-twinned and there was no end (it gets worse), then, I took off my bra, which was also attached to me... so, T-Shirt and Bra off my body but hanging on like they never wanted to leave.

I didn't know what to do, I thought it might be a good idea to put the arm hole of my bra over my head and try to slip it off, it got stuck around my left boob, I tried to loosen the strap but it was so tight that my boob was going blue! There was no way in a million years this was going to get around my waist!!!  Then, I looked at the T. Shirt and thought, well, maybe I could cut it off, along with the bra, but the bra was an expensive favorite and the T-Shirt was one of the only ones left without paint on! Cutting was not an option. So, it you could get the picture, I am completely tied up, with one blue boob and a nearby death experience of the wires wrapped around my neck, naked apart from these hanging garments and the only person in the house still awake was DAVE!!! I couldn't call him, could I?  I ummmmed and arrrrhed for about 30 seconds and thought there was no way I could let him see me looking like that! Apart from the fact that he was inebriated and a little high, I think, even though he doesn't suffer with the weakness of bladder that I do, he would have wet himself laughing.  I slept, with my bra and my T-shirt wrapped around me like a boa constrictor.

Woke up early to realise that I could actually take off the arm band that was restricting my blood supply (can't be right really) and then thread my garments through thus freeing myself!  It actually wasn't that difficult! I then, once again laughed at myself so hard that just a little wee escaped!!!

 I took Mr Price to the station as he had a meeting with Bob Geldof , I did ask Dave to have a chat with him about Fund Raising but he just didn't have the time.

Back home and over to my buddy, via... you guessed it... Massimo.  Purchasing a big box of delicious Portuguese cakes and, Cassidy on her Bike and me on Todd's massive Red Scooter, made our way down Paines Lane.  Wow... what fun, it was like riding on a wheelbarrow, I went so fast down the hill that it was only then that I realised I had no idea where the brakes were! Crashed spectacularly into Cassidy sending her flying and me crumpled on the floor... both of us laughing uncontrollably.  Nothing broken, not even the cakes, we continued on our venture.

You know, to change the subject slightly like I do, I was just thinking how proud I am of my children.. On collection from school, Cassidy had 10/10 for her spellings, which were quite tough, Luke had two good news notes and Savannah had been awarded two distinctions at College, however, it is so much better than that.

Yesterday, when my friends middle child ran away from home it was a frightening few hours.  I was searching the streets of Pinner.  I called Savannah who has a real connection with her eldest son in the hope that, out of anyone, he would pick up his phone to her.  Eventually she managed to get through, he was on his way to Harrow and he agreed to meet her.  She texted me to let me know!  10 minutes later she is on the phone to me again saying that he has said "don't bother, I want to be on my own and I am getting the next train" and he hung up.

I reminded Savannah what she is good at, acting, and told her to use every power she could muster to get him to get off the train and meet her... blag any story she could but she must stop him.  It was getting dark and emotions were high enough already.  Finally, she caught up with him at Wembley Stadium where he agreed to stay until she arrived.  She had done it (standing under the arch she did ask a local passerby where Wembley Arch was!!), that aside, she hugged him and took him to McDonalds for dinner but not before calling us immediately to let us know that he was safe. She chatted to him and later told me that it was strange that all his emotions and all his thoughts were exactly the same as hers just a year before, the anger, the hate but also the love and sadness were so conflicting that a young person would find it impossible to decompartmentalise - hence their brains just go into some kind of protective overdrive that she was desperate to avoid.

She did a sterling job and arrived home with him safe and sound at 8pm.

Meanwhile, Luke arrives at my friends on his bike, red in the face and dripping with perspiration. Her youngest, wanted him, so Luke ditched his friend Brandon and cycled over like a bat out of hell to be with him.

We overheard Luke: "It does get easier, you wont believe me, just like I didn't believe anyone when they said it to me, but things get better, it will pass...... ", He told him not to hold on to his emotions and to let them out, talk whenever he can and not to hold any grudge for too long as it would not be healthy for him.  He said that his Dad would always be his Dad whatever he had done and that the relationship between them would hopefully improve.  He said that he would be there for him anytime to chat.  Luke is 12.

Their Dad had an affair with her (then) best friend almost two years ago... he was giving a chance.. he blew it!

My evening comprised of "The Return of Dave" and another Blue masterpiece, it is a massive huge canvas, totally amazing!  We have called it "Atlantic", it is a work of pure art and will take about 3 weeks to dry, the paint is so thick you could almost swim in it.  It was great fun and Dave and I continued to laugh well into the early hours (to the point of almost wetting myself yet again)... however..... the relief to remove the blood pressure machine was epic! I am looking forward to tomorrow... bring it on.....