Wednesday 21 March 2012

Day 28 - God could not be everywhere and therefore He made mothers - do not read if you have a delicate disposition!


Quote of the day:  Every mother deserves a Medal.  A very large shiney one that she can hang around her neck with pride, the medal should be so bloody big that she can wollop her husband/partner/ex around the head with it every so often causing some serious damage.

Woke up at 3am to Luke doubled over in agony, this followed a rather unfortunate cause of events.

Rushing to the toilet... late... I changed the bed twice... then he was violently sick all over the bathroom floor, all over the walls and tiles!  Back to bed, clean sheets, sick again, change bed again, back on toilet... Cassidy woke, sore tummy, Mummy Mummy Mummy Mummy, from 3am till 6.30am.  Just outside bathroom door cat had done a very runny poo..... cat poo, sick, boy poo....... knackered!  Mummy again and this time Cassidy... by now my head is spinning, I am clearing up sick left right and centre!  Cat Pee... arh, just what was needed to top off my morning.. delightful.  I tried, I tried so hard to keep calm... Mummmmmmmmmmmmm Mummmmmmmm, "yes my darlings".....
This Squid reminded me of you Monika.. lol!!!

At this point.. Monika, I think it is a good juncture to say that a Squid eating competition with you is not such a good idea!!! 

So, I digressed! Cats mewing, kids crying... 7am, all goes quiet... I thinks... let's just get some washing on seeing as there is so much of it!  Downstairs to washing machine... huge puddle just outside washing machine door, it was leaking profusely from previous wash... not a problem, couple of large bath towels down, sick laden duvet covers, tissue paper everywhere, house smelt like it had sick building syndrome and I was not looking that pretty myself!  7.30am off goes the alarm... lovely...

How wonderful it must feel to wake up refreshed! Note to self:  Must ask Ex Husband what that actually feels like!

Five days of work already missed!  Today, I had to go in, not only because I couldn't afford another day off but because I couldn't stand the smell in the house!

Savannah was home till 11am so all OK till then.  Spent the rest of the morning trying to concentrate on work whilst with the other hand texting (not allowed phones at work) trying to find someone to stay with Luke until I came home at 3pm... Finally, my savior Hannah was free.  She was my salvation today - thanks hun....

First time in many years, work was great!

In the evening went with lovely Remy, Chloe and Cassidy to watch Savannah in her play "Vinegar Tom".  It was excellent, really enjoyed it...

Oh... all I had time to eat today was one of "she who doesn't want to be named" chips - "She", Incidentally, has been so amazingly supportive with my fund raising and keeping me going at work, I can't thank her enough! and a bag of chocolate fingers.... (they are not Cake!) Well deserved I think, don't you?

Home now.. peace and quiet to blog and guess what.......................? must dash.... catch up tomorrow...

I love being a Mum, I love being a Mum, I love being a Mum......

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