Wednesday 28 March 2012

Day 35 - Big Day - The Royal Academy

Big Day today, work this morning and two children sick AGAIN!  It is a recurring bug that has certainly attacked poor Luke, just when all the sheets were washed and dry in the lovely weather!  Off I go again changing beds!!!

Work, Work, Work then..

Paintings by Beth Gevell & David Price

Prepared to take the paintings into the Royal Academy.. talk about doing this by the skin of our teeth, it was hysterical, a little resemblance to Laurel & Hardy at their best.

1.  Firstly, I noticed that we should have sent back the registration form on the 12th March but because we hadn't even so much as purchased the paint or the canvases then, we couldn't do it!

Solved:  Forged that we had sent them in previously, photocopied them to prove postage...

2.  On reading the blurb, I noticed that there was a size limit and (not being very good with measurements) I was convinced they were all (bar one) far too big!

Solved:  Dave re-measured when he arrived from his 5 hour journey down from Leeds, all painting sizes were were fine! phew

3.  Two of the paintings weren't even dry yet!

Solved:  Left the heating on for two days solid and then put them on the top in the car and the sun can dry them better on the way!

4.  None of the paperwork had been completed

Solved:  Figured out all the convoluted paperwork before rushing out the door to get to the Academy before  7pm when submissions will close!

5.  We had not named the paintings yet

Solved:  Just picked random names (and random prices) and stuck it on the back! a.  Atlantic £1,500, b. Emes £2,200 c. Equis £2,500 d. Tempest £4,000

6.  We hadn't signed them - I made myself laugh out loud saying "They will be worthless if we don't sign them!!"

Solved:  Found an old Bic pen in the car and scrawled our names on the back whilst standing outside the Academy! I accidentally put my old name.. arh well...

7.  We hadn't wrapped them carefully in bubble wrap as statement on the information sheet - we grabbed some old stuff from the back of the cupboard, a pair of scissors and some cellotape and decided to do it when we got there... we were running so late and the traffic was building up and remember, Dave still had a long long drive home as he had a meeting in Leeds in the morning.

Solved:  As we walked in the sign said "remove all packaging", now that was handy as we didn't have any!
8.  We couldn't get the really big painting out of Dave's car

Solved:  Took at least 15 minutes of moving backwards and forwards, up and down, seats up, seats down, this door open, that door closed.... it was hysterical!  I almost gave up, saying that we would just have to leave it in the car for ever more!  A hammer would have worked.. the frame was broken in a couple of places anyway, but, what the heck!!! 

Honest, this is not exaggerated, this is a very honest count of the events of the evening.

9.  We had very little petrol and so did all the Garages in London!

Solved: Just about managed to get to destination without running out!  Running out of petrol with Dave... hummm, that has happened once before ..... x

So, the upshot of all these events is that ALL FOUR pictures were accepted as consideration into the Summer Exhibition of 2012.  One of them was even commented on as we took them in "hmmm, that's nice she said", I think she was looking at Dave to be honest, and not the painting!

Very pleased with ourselves, what an amazing night and a totally incredible experience from beginning to end.  When we sell our first painting, then we will REALLY laugh.

Pictures to follow!

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