Monday 19 March 2012

Day 26 and 5kg's!!!!

OMG... today was not funny....

Gym, with Rachel... Body Pump.

The weights I chose for myself I was told off for having because they are too light even for the warm up!  So, I grabbed the green ones... 5kg - feeling quite like I now belong in the class.

NO... I do not belong!!!!

My arms shaking, my nose running, and my heart pounding as I tried to get this thing going the same way at the same time as Rachel and the rest of the class, who incidentally most of which are 10 -30 years older than me!

I set Rachel up in front of me today as she was running a little late, I figured if I was going to look at anyone's arse for an hour, it may as well be hers.  I gave her green weights too but she swapped them for ORANGE!

Right, this wasn't going to beat me, I am fit and strong and I can do this.... NO actually I couldn't, the following exercise was to grab the Orange weight, just one of them, hold it with two hands above your head and then lower it behind your back and then up again.  Rachel standing in front, pushing one and two and one and two, me... I am still on one.  I have lowered the weight behind my back and for the life of me, I couldn't get it back up again, I was in a bit of a panic, I thought if I dropped the weight on the floor I was bound to break the toes of the lady behind me, so I held firm.  I could almost hear the weight saying "Oh, for goodness sake, I am so bored, all you have to do is lift me up over your head!! What are you a man or a mouse?" This constant cajoling from my weight did not help in the slightest, it was staying put and my arms were sure of it!

After the class had finished their 8 reps of 8, Rachel turned round to me, not a bead of sweat on her forehead, and said "Wow, that was tough."  I could do nothing but agree "yeah, especially the last few!!! I then asked her to grab the weight for me so I could itch my nose" I think I may have got away with it!

Next, we lie on our backs, weights over our chests, I turn my head to watch Rachel, she yawned!! Not only was this a piece of cake for her (aaahhhh Cake) but she was bored!!! My arms were burning like I have never felt them before in my life.  I recon that if they had caught on fire at that very moment I wouldn't have noticed... OMG, what the heck am I doing? And Rachel was pushing up twice the weight as if it was two large orange balls of cotton wool.

The hour class finished, it felt like two weeks in there, I couldn't even lift the step bench up to put it away!  Rachel commented on how proud she was of me completing the class, little did she know that I just stood there for most of it watching her fit backside!!!

Same time next week Rachel?? x

I'm the short one!

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