Thursday 1 March 2012

Day 8

Oh Dear....walked lazily to school with Cassidy, drove to work... ate nuts and stuff with Jacs and felt fat and unfit!!! Jac told me that if she doesn't go running then she feels awful... I feel awful if I go running, even walking for that matter!!! This is not funny.... After work, I did walk to get Cassidy and came back the long way through Pinner.  I say long, well, Pinner is Pinner and about the distance of a gnat's throw in comparison to the WALL! Ho Hum... I did stop at the Gym to take a look at some of the fit young bodies on the tread mills, it actually made me feel physically sick, some of them just weren't stopping, I watched in wonder as to how they are doing it, muscles pumped, hair dripping with sweat.. me, with my sticky bun in one hand and a book bag in the other - I just didn't belong.

Stuart.. that was his name, a very good looking fit young man approached me as I was staring uncontrollably at all the activity... "Can I help you?" I think he said.. hmmmmm - this is when I was hoping that Cassidy needed a wee or desperately wanted to go home but she has found amusement flinging around a plastic bag full of bird seed we had purchased for our friendly Robin.  I was a bit lost for words and when I should have said "NO" I found myself asking the nice man how much it cost to join.  He was kind, understanding and could clearly see that I was in need of help both physically and mentally.  He started at a figure of £52 per month which was well above my zero budget... after about half an hour of haggling and a bucket load of hootspa (meaning to have energetic nerve or to be feisty without violence but using humour) a gentle touch of his muscular hand and a little twinkle in my eye and I bartered him down to £20, that with Camelot paying half I kind of recon I could afford a tenner a month to get this old body into shape.  He also threw in some personal trainer as he saw the desperation in my face and my confusion at all the modern equipment!  Only thing to decide now is... when to start going. Must tell Rachel... she will help me.

So back home, via Massimo, decided I deserved a Coffee and a cake (which incidentally was on the house and very yummy), dinner, biscuit, Glee and bed. Long walk planned tomorrow with lovely Mandy. Fit Beth to follow... watch this space.

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