Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 25 - £10 a day if I do £10 a day if I don't!!!

Quote of the day:  Love is.... Children and Cake!

Lovely morning, big cuddles from little Cassidy, smiles to melt your heart.  Left the house before the other two woke up to go to The Duck Pond Market in Ruislip.  This is a fantastic Craft market, if you haven't been, you must - next market is on April 15th (Day after the Charity Gig at the Pinner Arms).  Come see me, it is fab!

Then... (Mr Harper)... I called L.A. Fitness and blagged my way into the swimming pool for free and swim, not 30 but 40 lengths.. An extra 10 for my tardiness.  The swimming pool is not really much bigger than a large puddle but 40 lengths it was and I was knackered.  Thank you so much Andy for the sponsorship x

I did promise you a photo in my bikini so thought I would send you a before and after shot!


AFTER - Clearly, the chlorine bleached my hair!!!

On my return, my lovely children had made me some beautiful cards - they must have been doing it for the best part of the day  

From my 6 Year Old! 

Then, bless her heart, it was quite apparent that Savannah has not been reading my blog, otherwise she would have known that her Mother's Day gift was not really appropriate!!! I could have cried, in fact, I did cry as she cut the biggest slice, for herself, from the most delicious cake ever! Obviously, from Massimo.

This has now created a bit of a problem, this large pink heart cake is wafting it's pink iciness smell up the stairs and it is actually calling my name, I can hear it... very loud and clear.. BUT NO.. I must resist, Dave has promised me £10 a day for no cake and no cake it shall be.. however, my other friend has counteracted this with £10 a day if I DO EAT CAKE!!!! What do I do???? This is a dilemma.......

These are Savannah's Sticky Fingers!!!



  1. "What do I do???? This is a dilemma......." - Question the sincerity of the pro cake friend (who indecently I think you’ve made up).

  2. the pro cake person is not a 'friend'
