Saturday 31 March 2012

Day 37 - Pinner Hill - Anyone for Golf?

Firstly my apology for the late blog! Especially to Mandy who now takes my blog back to bed with her with a cup of tea "it has replaced my newspaper!".

Cassidy very poorly today, my poor kids have spent the last two weeks unwell and I am feeling the pressure now.  I think that as a single Mum, it really hits you hard that you are alone when your children are sick.  To run from one to the other and back again is heart wrenching to say the least.  The nights are lonely and very long when you don't get much sleep.. however, it passes, it always does and little Cassidy is tucking into egg and soldiers as we speak!

I managed a great walk, once Cassidy had fallen asleep and Savannah was at the helm, my lovely neighbour Shelley rang on the door.  In one hand a glass of wine and in the other a very large inviting glass of Baileys!  A packet of crisps between her teeth.. what more can one ask for in a neighbour... Welcomed in with open arms we managed a very relaxing half hour in the garden sipping and chatting.

Shelley is fit, very fit, in more ways that one and our conversation led to my forthcoming adventure!  She was explaining how to breathe when the altitude hits you, in through the nose out through the mouth, this is so that you don't let too much oxygen in and you don't get heady!

On the spur of the moment and a little bit tipsy, we decided to take a power walk up Pinner Hill to test out the new breathing regime.  Now, my car struggles to get up this hill so I was a little concerned how I would fair and obviously didn't want to appear out of breathe on the first hurdle I let her do most of the talking.

We had a little biddy bottle of water each that was smaller than my previous Baileys that went straight through my bladder and before we ascended anything at all that resembled a hill, I needed a pee!  Oh dear.....

My fit neighbour with her swishing blonde curls striding up the hill with gusto and me, bladder fit to burst wishing I had my She wee with me!

It was a fantastic walk, to see how the other half live, the houses were amazing, each one different from the next with stunning original features, Shelley's favourite was one on the corner on the left and funnily enough, I liked the one on the right... hey, we could still be neighbours.

We had a stop off at the golf course for a quick round (in our heads) enjoyed the view and walked on (I was still busting).  Shelley was quite suprised at my pace but it was just so I could get to the loo quicker.

Walked home through the daffodils, a great hour walk, we decided it would be a regular occurrence.

Evening came and with the goodwill of my darling Savannah, I managed to pop out with my friend for a Thai Meal!  A lovely evening with lovely company.

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