Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 12 - In Recovery

Up early, walked Cassidy to school and realised that I needed to change my thong as the elastic had gone and it just wouldn't do hoicking them up all the time whilst working out (actually, they I wasn't really wearing a thong only it sounds a bit sexier than my Bridget Jones knickers).

I met Rachel at Fitness First!!! Bless them, they have allowed me to join for what seems like NOTHING!! How kind is that?  I get to sweat prediculously, pant uncontrolably and almost pass out with exhaustion and it doesn't cost a thing - great!

Rachel took me by the hand as we were running late.  I had had to take myself to the ladies, not only to compose myself but to make sure that my bladder was empty in case we did any star jumps.  She led me forcefully and I followed reluctantly, reminiscent of my first day at nursery.  In this room, lay about 30 fit women, all looking dare I say it, older than me in their faces but so much younger in the body.

Rachel took control, she placed this big step thing with legs in front of me (it was too heavy for me to carry), she got this long pole thing and some small little yellow weights that she fixed some how to the ends.... her things on the ends were green and considerably bigger than mine... don't know why! So the first challenge was to pick this thing up, not too bad really, I kind of got into the swing of it and almost enjoyed myself.  I followed the instructor carefully and tried not to notice the lady with the fit bum who was sticking it out whilst exercising just to piss me off I think.  I glanced over at Rachel, not a drop of perspiration on her, pounding away at the weights like they were feathers, for a slight moment I kind of felt a little sorry for her husband Jason.

"Lie down with the bar across you as now you are going to do bench presses"

Easy, not a problem here, upper strength is OK, up, breathe and down, up breathe and down, over and over and over and over and over and over again.... then sit up and stretch... whilst everyone else was up and stretching out their toned arms I was still lying on my back unable to move... again, lie down another eight repetitions, up again and stretch..... I was still lying on my back unable to move...... again lie down (are you getting the picture) I was stuck with the bar over me until Rachel noticed my predicament and came to rescue me.  (She is not best pleased with my antics whilst she had me wired up to the blood pressure monitor - considerably low results - so I am in her bad books - a place you really don't want to be for long).

Then I hear "So, that was the warm up!!"" at which time I just couldn't believe it, I was knackered and we had only just warmed up, not possible, surely the class was over.  My head was spinning but I was desperately trying not to look phased in Rachel's eyes, I had upset her enough.  She was brilliant with me to be fair, very attentive, she make's a good Mum.  After this she was off to a tennis lesson - I hate her really!

After my lesson I found my Fitness Coach Jo, luckily a good friend of mine and it was great having a friendly face to take your measurements and measure your FAT!

This is what she logged

AGE: 46
Height 1.6m
Weight 10st 9lbs (love their scales, was worth it just to see that I had lost five pounds just changing scales)

Blood Pressure: 152/98 (sober)
Heart Rate: 55

Fat: 36%
BMI 26.6

Waist: 97cm
Hips 104cm
Bust 104cm

Can't help thinking that those measurements look like a sack of potatoes!!!!!

Walked home.... walked to school... went to work till 11pm

Tomorrow I go back to the gym again!

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