Friday 16 March 2012


"I didn't do the swim that I promised"

I did however, get my children to school today, first day this week as both Cassidy and Luke have been quite poorly, lots of sleepless nights between the pair of them leaving me a little exhausted.  However, Ruth had a funeral this afternoon so I offered to look after Harry so that she could attend, hence, not able to swim! But, Andy, (thank you so much for the donation) I will go tomorrow OK, I have made a  promise and I
will stick to it.... I will do the swim and you will get the photos!!!

I walked to Ruth's to collect Harry to be met with Croissant and Coffee (with froff, just the way I like it), this resulted in an instant debate.  Is Croissant a CAKE?  Our unanimous decision was NO, if the French were to think it a cake then they would have called it a Gateaux RIGHT????

Now, the reason for the debate was that my lovely Dave has sponsored me £10 per day that I don't eat CAKE, each day from now until next Friday he will give me £10 on the days that I abstain!  This is the hardest challenge to date!  Firstly, Croissant with chocolate in it, secondly, friend text me to ask what my favorite cake is so that she can bring it after school pick up and thirdly, out this evening and a table laden with the most amazing CAKES you have ever seen.... Dave... I abstained!!!! Having just a small bowl of fruit and a creme brulee - which is clearly not Cake!!!

Dave's donation however was offered just before he threw himself out of a plane at 10,000 ft asking his tandem buddy if I he could call me to check if I were still down as his Next of Kin!!!!

He survived his jump I am pleased to say and made me laugh when he told me that this same "Buddy" also decided to advise him on the landing technique as they were flying through the air!!! Lucky he had no questions as their would clearly not be time for any answers!

Thanks so much Dave for your loyal friendship and generosity and Robin, my lovely brother, for the amazing donation of  £75.00 - love you both  xxx

Tonight was special - For Nadia

I went to my friends house to say prayers for the sister that she lost, each year on the anniversary of her passing, she holds a prayer evening which is the most spiritual, calming and loving experience you can ever imagine.  There were about 20 people there tonight and each one just as warm and loving as the next.  It is not often that you can walk, on your own, into a room full of strangers to be greeted with such friendship.  I believe that friendship is an art, few people have a natural talent for it, this room, was full of natural talent.

When I left, I walked down the road realising that I was unable to stop smiling, my friends are Baha'i's, their prayers so beautiful they know how to love and the true meaning of Service to Others.

I feel honored that I am their friend x

1 comment:

  1. HERE HERE - our Baha'i friends are a great inspiration. xxxx
