Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day 13 - Feeling Good

Yeah, up with a skip in my step - honestly felt quite chipper!

Got dressed in my light brown track suit and trainers and Cassidy pipped up "Oh Mum, please don't walk the Great Wall of China today?", I reassured her "OK my darling, I wont", at which point, Savannah comes in to my bedroom.... "Mum, please tell me you are not wearing that to the gym?" bemused, I couldn't figure out why, it was just a 17 year old tracksuit!

She disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a black pair of leggings that were just over the knee so that my hairy legs could be seen by all, a skimpy black top that meant that my hairy armpits could also be seen, obviously only when raised and to top this off, her sports bra that I had bought for her when she was in year 8.....  NOW, apparently, I look ready for the gym, so much so that she insisted on taking my picture on her Blackberry!!!!

Walked Cassidy to school, walked back, did 1 hour of work and then walked back to the gym.  I did make myself laugh out loud on the way... The guys in Massimo, the coffee/cake shop (but you probably figured that by now) know that I am "in training".  I stop just before their window, prepare myself, hold my stomach in and then jog merrily past, then stop as soon as I am past their window and walk the rest of the way.  They wave approvingly.... it is so funny, makes me laugh every time.

Now at the gym, go to the loo and then think that I am really late.  This was awful.... I walk around to the room I was in yesterday, no friend this time, and see that everyone is already on the floor with all of their equipment and little green things with poles and mats and stuff and I kind of panic.  I walk in, search around for a mat, find one, hit a lady in the head with it and then try to find some space... nowhere, it was totally full, If I put my mat down anywhere I would practically be on top of someone and that wouldn't do!  What now?  I had a terrible feeling of panic, then thought RUN...... Then the red faced lady that I hit with the mat told me that it was the end of a class and to GO AWAY!

I was so embarrassed that when we queued up for the class that followed, I hid my face in shame as the class emerged, literally covered my face and hoped that they would filter out really quickly... Rachel, I can hear you laughing at me from here!!!!!!

Right, in my class now and all I can think of is CAKE....

However, felt slightly better when the map of my route arrived (thanks Robin) xxx I wonder what the Chinese cakes taste like?

cake Listen to the pronunciation E [keik] 名 西点;饼;一块 (must learn this by heart) - however, I do know how to ask for cake in Japanese.... 

Thanks Les for all your help tonight, you are a star - I owe you lunch/dinner or both!

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