Sunday 11 March 2012

Day 18 - Matthew Mcconaughey

Confirmed Band for 14th April` - Slap & Tickle
Finished Invitations - distribution will start on Tuesday 13th March

Was driven into Harrow today by Judith, we had a laugh, we always do, she played a blinder in the shop when we exchanged the ring I was given for my birthday (Thanks Jude) until she left me there and told me to walk home.  She was very sweet, she took my heavy bag before she ran off to lunch!!! ("all in a good cause"), I could hear her say as she drove off into the sunset!

So, with my Ugg boots and antarctic thick socks I walked home on what seemed like a sunny day.  My plan was to stop off at Mum and Dad's so they could give me a lift home but they were out!  I could have got the bus, but NO... determined to have something decent to say in my blog today I walked all the way home.  Stopping, like you do at the North Harrow street market that just seemed to have popped out of nowhere... met a few of my "on the circuit friends" selling their wares, bought a cake, well.. it has to be done, I needed to keep up my strength and carried on my merry way.

On George V Avenue now and half way home - I was doing OK but my feet were rather warm and I had a slight tingling in my toes, other than that, not too bad.

As if by magic, Ruth drove up in her mini, roof down and looking ever so glam.  I stuck out my thumb and she stopped and I jumped in like Starsky from Starsky and Hutch (I knew which one I was).  Nice timing I thought as she drove us to the Garden Centre to look at pretty plants!

This followed with us planting up her front garden, tea and light conversation - It looked lovely when we had finished....

Tonight, my friend came over to prepare for her blind date!    She had taken down her large poster of Matthew Mcconaughey that was hung behind her bed as she felt it wasn't REAL enough and she needed to focus on a new man.

She does quite fancy her Physio Therapist but he has not yet made a move, he is really quite good looking.  She has been having treatment by him for a very sore right buttock!!! hmmmm I think my left boob is a bit sore, I may make myself an appointment.
She just called from China Town where she has eaten so much squid she thinks she is going to be sick!  She ate all her black bean squid and then even had some of his Sweet N Sour!  The blind date went well, she liked him, a charming man who made her feel quite special but she wasn't sure if there was a "spark".... I wonder if she will see him again or if she puts her poster back up!

She has a new belief.. She feels that every Woman should have a Basket Ball team of men.  Five men in their lives at any one time.

1.  Is the man that you can talk to about more or less anything ie. GAY
2.  Is the man of your dreams who you want to be with
3.  Is the man who you enjoy sexual activity with (to put it politely)
4.  Is the man who can do all those little jobs that Woman find boring
5.  Is the man similar to No 1 but not GAY....

What I would like to know is if you can have a Bench where you can swap them around every so often.. or, indeed, add more players!!??

P.S. Please can I have your poster? xxx

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