Tuesday 27 March 2012

Day 34 - Bambi Bambi are you on the 1-4

Went to Cadbury's (now Kraft) today to do a lunchtime sale with So Very Crafty, normally, I spend more money on chocolate than I make but this time I was good.  I did pick up a bag of chocolate peanuts (my all time favourite) but I then took them back after looking at the calories in half the packet!  I knew that if I opened them then I would eat them all, that was a given!!

So, with two plastic bags full of Green & Blacks, a bucket load of sour chewy sweets that Cassidy loves, a few of the cream egg bars that my lovely Jane loves and a few other treats that clearly, I love, I sat patiently waiting for the punters to buy.  What I should have been selling was Chocolate as the little shop was jam packed.

I did OK, sold plenty of the wind chimes thanks for the weather... packed up and dashed home for the kids, painted another masterpiece (really, this one is AMAZING), took kids to the park for an hour and home to make dinner!

Having put the event of the 14th of April on Facebook, it has come to light that quite a number of people who I haven't seen in many many years are coming!  I feel a little strange at the prospect of seeing Ex Boyfriends and buddies from the old C.B. days... Banjo, Banjo are you on the 1.4... I remember going fishing with him and his lovely family once or twice, I didn't want them to actually catch any fish and I think I spent the whole time throwing Chicken into the water!!!!  This is just a distant memory, it might not have been chicken at all!

It is going to be like an eyeball 25 years on!!!! i wonder if I have changed much! The Pinner Arms will be like T's & C's in Ruislip all over again, it will be like a flash back... Maybe I should perm my hair and find my old denim jacket.. I think Malibu and Pineapple was my tipple back then.. yuck!

Martin, do you remember when you were busted for having one of these?  We all had a whip round for you...  Remember my house being T & C's after Ruislip closed, we had queues of cars outside the house full  friends!  Oh, the good old days.  I remember my 16th birthday party so well, as if it was yesterday... lol, the days before mobile phones and text messaging... we used one of these massive things to communicate! How times have changed, can you image one of these in your jacket pocket kids!!!?
Instead of hearing Bambi Bambi are you on the 1 - 4, it has been swapped with lmao and milf (which of course I am), doesn't really have the same appeal huh!

Now I am going to share a photo that has turned up on Facebook, I have NEVER seen this before and it was from "The good old C.B days"..... brace yourselves!

Oh dear lord!!! Yes, that is me, making Sandwiches on the hard shoulder on the way back from Camber Sands!
Now I believe it would be a perfect time to rofl (roll on floor laughing for non texters)
Age 16

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