Friday 2 March 2012

Day 9

A productive day but also a sad one...

Walked with Cassidy to school today in the hope of being able to chew the cud with my friend Mandy but unfortunately her little girl was poorly so I had to go it alone!  Strode back through the park in long wet grass - squelch squelch (well I couldn't go "UNDER" it), shoes got wet, socks got wet, hair went frizzy in the fog, nose running (I certainly wasn't) and back home.  I attempted to pop into Ruth but she was on the way to me so she agreed we should walk together.  Tea first we thought, followed by our usual banter and handful of cookies, then we ran out of time for our walk and she went home.  Arh well, I would have to hoover again, I do think I may have a little obsession with the hoover!

Collected Cassidy in the car as we had the dentist, collected Luke and Savannah on the way and went on our family outing! A tiny filling later, a good chat with our friendly dentist Sarah and the promise of being allowed to hang my paintings in their waiting room to sell for Marie Curie, so quite a productive hour.

Called The Pinner Arms to confirm that the 14th of April for our Charity Party, booked a band, decided on an open mic and got the offer of a very good free DJ..... excellent.

Later, walked to the gym with the pretense of joining with my £20 firmly stuffed in my back pocket when I receive an SOS call from my friend -  A search for her Son took higher priory over the gym - if I were going to have an excuse than that was a good one.

It is so sad when a family break up... I should know having been through it, you think the world is going to end and as a Mum you feel more pain for your children than you do for yourself.  You hold back your own feelings and predominately hurt inside for them.  My dearest friend and her beautiful kids in crisis was so hard for me to see.  Such amazing children, all three with a specialness about them that is second to none.  A softness, a kindness a beautiful feeling of love from each of them and to see them hurting was like seeing my own do the same just a year previous.

QUOTE:  My Dad always says to me when I am feeling like there is just nowhere out "It will pass Beth."

And indeed, in time the pain does pass, however, nothing is really forgotten!

Son located, hugs given, reassurance followed and not far behind that was an Indian Takeaway.  I tried, I tried really hard to resist but the temptation of the onion bhaji was just far too strong, the waft of the thick grease and the pungent smell of the burnt onions tickled my taste buds beyond reasonable control.

ADVICE OF THE DAY:  Do not weigh yourself after you have eaten curry for at least three weeks!

Evening entertainment comprised of Dave and Monika - who could ask for a better way to finish off such a day... thank you guys xxx

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