Friday 23 March 2012

Day 30... I can EAT CAKE.. Yeah!

My penance is OVER.... one whole week and no cake has touched my lips... even the beautiful cake that my children gave me for Mother's Day, dismissed.. all due to the fact that Dave sponsored me £10 a day for not eating any (pay up sunshine).  My next challenge is from Ruth!  £10 a day if I DO EAT CAKE!!! I love my friend Ruth very much.

Walked a mile with 26 six & seven year olds today.  Went into the school to help them with their mile walk for Sports Relief - it was fun, Cassidy's teacher let me do the register and I wound the children up like a spring.... made them do some funny exercises and had them all in stitches mucking about with their names!  "Put your hand up if you are not in today!" The teacher asked Cassidy if I was always this mad and another kid asked me if I could come in every morning!!!

I love nothing more than hearing children giggle.. it must be my favorite sound in the world.

We walked with Mandy's dog, Spencer.  The kids thought it was hysterical the way that he peed at every lamp post, I thought this dog had the biggest bladder in history and it is only a little thing!

Spencer - mucky pup!
After all the kids were safely deposited back at school, Mandy and I walked around the park and then around the park again and then through Pinner and then home with the promise of Massimo at the end of it!  It was a glorious day today so we sat outside with Coffee!  I wasn't sure if I was allowed Cake at this point so I text Dave in America to ask.. due to the time difference, I have only just heard back from him and he said YES... otherwise I would bankrupt him (again! lol).  This is the sad part.... stuck home with two kids, Cassidy and Katie so cant nip to shops, and not a piece of cake in site!


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